PhD Application done
Essay Started
Geophysics project all done but the writing up.

in exactly 8 days I get to have a life again, kinda



I'll try to wait 8 days before I start pestering you. smile

Glad you got your application done. Someday you'll have to tell me what was involved. I'd ask about your essay and project, but it would go right over my head. frown
i'm torn between intensity and apathy
knot of fire inside me
skin so numb i need to cut

tear a big enough hole will all that fire come
tumbling out?
there's enough fire in me to eat the world

i fill my time to keep myself numb
frightened of what lies beneath
if i'm still for a while my ice might start to melt

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Need a friend?

We can chat anytime you feel like it.

Hugs! smile
I think I made a friend or two!

Well the proposal was done and handed in, the essay is on the backburner while I write a phd application and it took 4 hours today just to wrestle some data into a useful format.

not the best of days, but two messages waiting for me to cheer me up! thanks!

I'm going to enjoy some of...
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Yes, you made one.

The funny thing is that I clicked on Request Friendship, and it said I was approved.

I thought that was weird, normally it says that I have to wait for the person to accept it.

Then it showed that I had a friendship request from you.

What great timing. biggrin
Thanks so much for your comment on my new set! blush
First comment! Thanks for offering to help with the picture..

Still trying and failing to locate papers on spatial analysis in buildings and have resorted to looking up my tutor's phd theseis in the hope of some leads....

(edited for spelling)
I'd like to comment on this, however, I have a serious aversion to discussing things my feeble brain can't even begin to comprehend.

Of course, I suppose this counts as a comment anyway. smile
smile Just realised last entry posted like a comment. I'll figure this out soon, promise!
first time posting. tried to write my profile but just got all confused.... my 'favourites' change so much, I guess I'm just fickle. I'll try to be more interesting soon- right now I'm managing to not write my dissertation proposal smile
Sooo... proposal done but I'm not the happiest. The SG's have proved a nice distraction and reward though.

Now starting the next piece of work. I hate this time of year, but love my degree- it's just all a bit relentless.... frown