So, yeah, I'm sitting here, frustrated, left alone, and of course, I'm not told as to where my companions went until I call. So, sitting here, being pissed, by myself, I realize I can accomplish absolutely jack shit except fume about why I'm pissed even more. And though I know I probably shouldn't be doing it, I am anyways. Fuck this.

On a lighter note,...
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no one reads them, thats where your wrong missy! when your all by yourself is the time you get to be crazy pissed off for no real reason and just sit n stew in your pissed offness (its a word now). then when people do show up your got out so much of your aggression because youve just been over analizing everything already that you DONT feel the urge to say, beat your room mates with a foam baseball bat. personaly i need and love my alone pissed off time.
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

soo tired.....had to work on the 4th...hey, old people need to eat too. Drinking something that's pretty strong..but, then again, I'm a lightweight. Listenen to Red Hot Chili Peppers....and it is soooooo HOT in the FUCKING ROOM!! >.<

tis ok..I'll just get DRUNK and it'll all be better! ^__^

....are girls territorial like cats???


So, 6 am....and I'm awake....don't have to work until 1 pm......and I haven't been able to sleep in on my day off for like...a month....bummer....I am sooo sleeping in next time.

Started going to martial art this week, and have some pretty nasty bruises from my cardio class....and I hit my head with a can opener at work the other day....so, I guess I'm...
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Hrm, what to write, what to write???

Random things are the best.