So...Facebook and Twitter...

I don't mind Facebook. In fact I kind of life Facebook and I've used it the way it probably should be used - to get back in touch with people I'd drifted away from and bring them back my way a bit. Or take a step towards them. Whichever way. Whatever works.

But now that tweeting has become an actual part of...
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It's been a cold and miserable day with me napping off and on all day and into the evening. Not a bad way to spend a day sometimes. I needed to recharge the batteries anyway.
naps are always a good thing!
Today I ended up going to the emergency room of one of our local hospitals with a friend who was having chest pains and problems breathing at the movie we were seeing. Ambulance ride and all. Quiet tension waiting for doctors and nurses to come around to his little cordoned off area. I ended up covering his shift at work. He ended up back at...
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Some days I want to curse what seems to be an increasingly cold and distant world, where people communicate via machines and hide away in their houses and apartments rather than venture out into the light of days. Some days I embrace this way of life whole-heartedly, like Rosemary learning to love her little devil shortly after the horrible reveal. Today feels like one of...
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The winter season often makes me feel like a recluse. It's been nice here all week, so getting out into the real world has been an excellent reminder of what I'm missing hiding away in my house.

Thank you bunches for leaving such an awesome comment on my set, Offset! You're the best!
Now that cocoon feeling. I'm having one today up til about 7 when I'll go out wall climbing and do that thing call socailizing.
Winter can end any time now. I mean...I'd really appreciate it. Pretty please?

Other than that the only thing of note today was leaving the office for dinner, walking toward a restaurant and being surprised by a restaurant employee on break who popped out from nowhere, singing Megadeth's "Holy Wars" at the top of his lungs.

I suppose if you have to sing Megadeth you...
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this is true....and as for winter, we just got snow here...fun times! we're in a Winter Storm watch until Friday....we might actually get over a foot of snowfall Friday! score!

personally, I hate people who blast their music in their car so loud that everyone can hear it, have ear phones on so loud that people around them can hear it, or feel the need to talk on their phone using speaker phone for all the world to hear. the idea of "private" just doesn't seem to mean anything to them...and its annoying!
I really appreciated you leaving love on my new multi with drave "made you blush", thanks for the support <3
Been quiet lately. Been trying to sleep earlier and wake up earlier so I can be among the living, should I ever actually decide to leave the house for something other than going to work. The long it goes on the more working nights proves to be a drain. I don't even know what day it is most of the time anymore.

Not much going...
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So the last couple days at work have largely consisted of me sifting through dozens of photos from Haiti and deciding what we can and cannot run in the newspaper. Most you can't. It's horrible by even my jaded standards. Streets covered with hundreds of bodies, Children. Everything you could possible imagine but don't want to. I'm glad my work week is over.

I did...
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Been doing well lately, though I find myself increasingly bored and sometimes pacing the halls at work. Been having problems sleeping as well. The sun is usually up by the time I finally get to that point. It makes an already strange way to live even stranger and more isolated.

I suppose I could try to find some sort of natural remedies to help, but...
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OK. So I can't complain about winter weather like people in some other parts of the country...but can we just go ahead and cancel winter already. I'm sick of the cold and sick of the snow.

Sick of work and the people there as well, but that's another matter altogether. In the end, sad as it is, I think I'd rather be running around the...
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Randomness: You know you're going out with a nerd when you call her "young padawan" and she giggles because she gets it. Not so nerdy when she says her favorite Star Trek captain is Spock...though technically he had to be one at some point considering his rise in ranks later on.

Wow. Geeky.
Hi man! Hope you are fine. I wish you some cool Christmas times.
you found a keeper.
Randomness: You know you're going out with a nerd when she tells you she has a survival plan ready to go should a zombie apocalypse ever come to pass.

Don't know whether to laugh or jump for joy.
jump for joy...means you don't have to train her just in case!
Had the last week off and have been under the weather for the last few days of it. My fault for being out in freezing rain one night, but I don't regret it because I had a nice dinner with a nice woman and I'm hoping to see her again. She's only 22 and I've already been lectured about that by one friend, but I...
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hey, if she's younger...it means you can teach her a few things...and with her youthful energy and vigor, she can put what she learns to good use!

that or you don't have to worry about her arguing politics with her (she probably doesn't care anyways...is that a generalization?).

so have fun....what's the worst that could happen?