Back to work I go...my "weekends" go very quickly, but the work week tends to as well. I've gotten the hang of the whole C.O. thing, it's a lot of saying "no" a pretty fair amount of lying to people and the rest of the time trying to ascertain when people are lying to you (spoiler alert...it's damn near constantly). I stopped by my storage...
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Man...I think my major purchase list is as follows, a house (cause I'm old and have a for real grown ass man job with which I can afford one) a couch (cause ever since I moved out I've had various chairs many of which are very comfortable, but I've yet to have a couch and I goddamned love couches) and finally a hot tub...my best...
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The shame about my life is that my best stories come from jail, granted I spend 40 hours a week there and the hours when miscreants tend to be awake and needy no less. But let me allay any fears about the justice system you may have. Almost everyone is almost certainly guilty of what they are accused and here's why, they are REALLY not...
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My two off days are just about up time to go back to jail tomorrow, at least I get to leave after 8 hours. I'm feeling rather undervalued there at the moment. I suppose that is the nature of the job market, feeling undervalued and mistreated and unnecessarily demeaned by superiors, alas. In other work news it seemed REALLY weird to me that a 16...
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Season Two of Archer on Blu Ray in my hands a full four days before it's released? Kind of awesome...kind of totally awesome, good looking out Archer Facebook page.
So yeah, just now starting to fully feel like I've fully kicked a bastard cold that hung around for over two weeks, it wasn't so bad, only a day or so of feeling kinda crummy, but the chest cold aspect was a bitch to kick. I spent so long sounding like the love child of Mike Rowe and Barry White that I had a moment...
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I took my nephew out for a belated 21st birthday celebration last night, I'd had a trying evening at work which concluded with me with my hand in a toilet, I managed to fish out four screws and a spring, I thought this was a crummy end to my night until I heard earlier in the evening the same inmate had a rather large nail...
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It's December 17th and that means...it's my tattoo's birthday! Now I'm sure most of you folks out in SG land don't consider such things, but me, having but one measly little tattoo, it seems a cause for revelry. The ole fella looks just as handsome as the day he was embedded under my skin forever. A lot of thought went into my tattoo and it...
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Working in corrections affords folks some very interesting scenarios in their lives for example this interaction between myself and a recently convicted murderer of some notoriety in St. Louis (He was convicted of 25 charges in addition to first degree murder). So I'm going around the different areas of the housing unit I work in doing my evening count and as I walk past his...
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Is troubled, worried, put off and certainly feeling out of sorts right now.