So this is Christmas? I have some serious problems with this whole thing. I grew up in a christian household, baptist to be exact but I think I am recovering nicely. I still believe the Bible may be true but man has totally taken everything in it out of context to make more money on Sunday. I hate christmas because it seems wrong to me...
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Befriend me, you fucker.
I got a paycheck today. that was a great thing cuz I havent had one in a long time. Now I have a 3 day weekend and nothing to do with it. I need to clean the pool because it is full of leaves. I hate this damn tree in my yard. Tomorrow I'm going to clean the pool and do laundry so I can...
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hey jovial biggrin i miss doing nothing i wish there was a job i could have were all i had to do was sit there and do nothing cause i would be really good at it. well just wanted to say hi and merry christmas and try not to have to much fun in vegas on new years wink kiss
Congrats on getting a job!
They pushed the start time on my new job up to 6am, I hate mornings but I made it anyway. About 10 the boss comes up and says we're going to work 10 hour days from today until january 6th if you want to work. This would normally be awesome but because of the holidays we will miss 2 days in that time period and...
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I got a job! finally. Filled out the paperwork and took the drug test this morning and I'll report for work tomorrow. It is a Fairfield Resort just behind the MGM Grand. Supposedly the job is only about half complete so it should last 2 or 3 months if I'm lucky. A paycheck will definately make it easier to stay here. I had been contemplating...
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SGVEGAS is having a vote for a new regional group owner.

Please read the GROUP OWNERSHIP VOTE post and cast your vote/nomination
So how was your weekend? Mine was slow and nice. Friday night me and my girl went to redlobster then came home and veged the rest of the night. Saturday we went to the movies and saw "sideways" If you like character stories this is a good flick. kind of slow and not much action so if that's your thing don't do it. Just saw...
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I'm not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination. I don't play video games or even keep up with the technology. I do, however, play in a simulated baseball league that uses diamondmind software. I just got my 2004 season disk yesterday so I've been like a kid on christmas morning every since.

Lot's of talk about Vegas getting a major league team soon....
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So I dropped my gf off at school today and I got home only to realize I forgot my phone at her place. I'm such a spaz; I hate it. I've already forgotten what else I was going to say except I can't remember anything.

Still no job so it looks like more beer for me.

So I went to the hall this morning and didn't get a job again. Now I'm doing laundry, and in a minute I'm going to eat leftovers. Damn! wouldn't you kill to be me?

Is this possibly the stupidest guy in the world? Who makes 300 grand a year and steals a 30 dollar belt? People like this make me feel better about myself. I...
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There was this one day when I had a left over burrito waiting for me... I was so excited to eat it.... I kid you not, I laughed in glee and I took the first bite.... of course as I chewed there was this voice in my head (which inexplicably had a british accent) that said, "you fool... you are giddy about eating a LEFTOVER burito...)....
Another worthless wasted day. There were a few job calls this morning but I didn't go. I decided to start drinking last night, perhaps to make up for how much I didn't drink over the weekend. At any rate I didn't get out of bed until almost 9 and dispatch is at 8:30. Doubt I would have gotten a job anyway but how F-n worthless...
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hehe, he's 6' and i'm around 4'11" - 5' tongue
Well the weekend is over and outside of going to first friday I was pretty domestic. Saturday was a lie in the bed, lounge on a the couch type of day. I did go to the movies that night so as to not do absolutely nothing. Sunday my girlfriend had to shoot a movie for school. She invited one of her gfs over so I...
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thank you...I rarely get sick but this year has been hell...a few months ago I became so sick..it was awful