If all I have is memories, and those memories are of things that are gone... Does that mean that all that I have is truly nothing?

- JW

Maybe it means you need to think again about what you have :) I have realized that I sometimes focus too much on what I don't have anymore or never had and forget about what I do have. 

Dropped a course today, luckily I still had enough credit hours so I'm still a full-time college student!

Classes were still boring though -_-

- JW


Spent over three hours today tweaking and finished a song for my band. It definitely went up to a 10 on the awesome scale!

- JW


Well... It's not my "first" day of school, just second semester. I'm in general arts now, had to switch from music because of a shitty semester.

Here's to hoping I have a better semester than last year.

- JW


Won a year-long subscription to SG the other day. Needless to say I feel like 2014 is going to be the greatest year I've ever had.