I know this is nothing new but I think its one of the funniest things I've seen in a long long time.

Ok, whoever keeps trying to hack my account can you just sod off...its not big and its not funny. I'm fed up of havinf to reset my password.

Ok so now to business.

So I start back studying on the 11th of Feb which I hope will go well but I'm not sure. Also I've ended up going back to my job in a shop...
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Ok, I don't seem to be bothered with posting on here much anymore. I'm not interesting and am barely on here sooo yeah, if you wanna here me rant you'll have to makeyour way to melo...
Ok so I had an amazing girl friend over the summer and now she is coming to see me again after almost 3 months apart. I still have really strong feelings for her, I wanna tell her I love her but I don't want her to think I'm just young and nieve....what do I do? Should I just have fun and let the week past...
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Scrap the last memo...ones life is on the up and I shall be positive from this point forth...Hope all is well. If you haven't already check Clio's new set, you won't be upset.


Hey so I think my time here is coming to an end. I'm no longer a kid with more funds than sense. I like my life and I need to make sure I keep up with the world around me and don't let any oppurtunity pass me by. I hate the way I type on here like I'm someone important with something real to say...
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Ok so I'm back until my account runs out. I'm in a very odd period of my life at the moment and yet im happier than I remember being lately. Still not actually enrolled in university, though thatsnot all my own fault its been a problem with paperwork. I've made an appeal against my recent examination results and I really need to know what I'm...
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Ok so I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I've made an appeal and hopefully they'll let me proceed, if not then we'll just have to put the extra time in and see how it turns out.

So I get the feeling I will be working between now and christmas and to be entirely honest it really doesn't me, I'm looking forward...
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Ok so its the day after my 20th and although I try to not let it bother me only 2 of my friends have said Happy Birthday to me this weekend, well that excludes the amazing Zuzana but we love her so she is in a classof her...
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I read it. So there. Rants are good. They usually get the grumpiness out of your head so you can have a rest from it.
Happy Birthday to me!
It's the first summer I've had without depression since I was twelve. A cause for celebration and bouncing, I think biggrin

And happy birthday! Have a good one biggrin
Ok, so I'm officially a failure, had to come back from Amercia earlier than I wanted to resit exams. Am now waiting on the result of exams i, lucky me.

Went out last friday and got way too drunk, lost a few hours and I really don't feel proud about it. Am becoming such a waste of space its a little worrying. Want to be...
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I hope you did well on your exams.
Best summer of my life, ever. Easily. I bet you did do better on your exams.
Return of the lone ranger....

Well I'm back after an amazing Summer, Well actually I've been back for a while but not had the internet which sucked. How are all of you lovely people?

I'm so tired right now will get pictures and the other posey stuff/stories up in the next few days. Keep well peeps.