My last Friday in California for a long time. It feels weird. I've been living in this state for 20 years. From 14 till now.

I do love it here in some ways, and dislike it intensely in others. Regardless it has been a good home.

Now I'm off to make a new home, for who knows how long? It is as good a place...
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Ah. Just checked my non-work safe internets. Sorry for the late vm. Hopefully see you tomorrow eve.
Good music where you're going?
Well, this is going to be a fantastic trip.
2000 miles!!!! In an RX8, ha.

Place to live is not sorted yet, I really hope I don't have to live out of my car for a bit. Not that I can't do that, but my car isn't really made to live out of. (Yes, this really was a request for a couch if the worst...
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Then this is all good news!
Ping me when you are settled via PM.
I will keep a look out for significant improvements to the BB mobile buying experience.
This is good news

When I ordered life at the bar, I think I must have already been drunk, because it looks like I asked for it shaken not stirred.

20 days.

The problem with having a Beowulf moment is, it never ends well.

An Old Warrior is teaching his grandson about life.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil. He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self- pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority,lies, false, pride, superiority...
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Ha! I was unaware you're the measure. Good work on my part. wink

Something wicked this way comes.
Hyenas are my power animal.

Also, 9 is my lucky number.

I guess I am a wicked asshole.
22 days

So, here goes:


Ka pow.

Nature vs Nurture again. This time it all has something to do with how big your SG is. Fascinating piece of research that might turn many things about the way we "are" on their head again.

Yeah, I still love this song:

Can't forget about the Megablast:


Instead of simply dividing their subjects by biological sex, they also gave each subject a test of psychological gender: a questionnaire that assesses each persons degree of masculinity vs. femininityregardless of their biological sexbased on their interests, abilities and personality type.

I'd be really interested to see what kinds of questions are asked.

  • I enjoy football, porno, and songs about war. Y/N

  • I enjoy wearing skirts, heels, and nylons. Y/N

I got the reference. xo

Yeah, I need to start some new hobbies or something.
26 days.

Shit, hardly any progress at all yesterday. It was a Friday but still. More vodka in my system than I am used to. There was a bottle of wine too!

So as promised something more "relevant" than that empathy article.


Only, what if you're a person that ultimately after all is said and done wants to keep the memories?
Or what if...
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27 Days

October 1st is rapidly approaching. Like the brave people say "I'm not dead yet." I was told it was one hundred degrees yesterday afternoon. It sure felt like it.

What follows is long, but I've posted it because it is far from boring.

Bodies in Sync

A synopsis, the article proposes that empathy has its roots in physiological reactions more so than what...
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I will need to come back and read this when I have the attention to do so sincerely.

In the meantime...

Like the brave people say "I'm not dead yet."

I tried to go with Richard Pryor as well, but shit luck would have it. tongue


28 days.

I loved that movie 28 days later. Hated the second one though.

Of all things I was at Wal-Mart today getting some Emergen-C and I saw the movie Rob Roy in the $5 rack (it came with Quigley down under for some reason that only the ungodly understand.) Anyway it reminded me of this:

Gura mise tha fo islean
Moch sa mhaduinn is...
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Well, I think some people are coming over to watch college football Saturday afternoon, if you're interested.
OK. Michigan game starts at 12:30, but there will be games all day.
I forgot about Zoot Woman.

From today, I've got 29 days to do the impossible AGAIN.

My youngest brother has been layed off.

It is going to be a very full shack in Goa at this rate. If anyone wants to tag along, you'll have to bring good tools, and the ability to climb coconut trees. Machete wielding abilities are a plus.
Link please. I hate slogging through Lifestyle.
Sometimes, but I usually stick to my groups and CE for shit I care about, because chances are they'll be covered there without me having to go through a bunch of threads about shit which I don't care about at all. Anyways, I'll read the threads.