More of my dream has been posted on YouTube. This time they got to the part where Superman and Spider-woman fly around before they do some strange dance in a mysterious garden, then magically appear at the best disco dance party ever.

I don't know why it's in Indian.


People often ask me what my dreams are like. It's really hard to explain -- usually Spider-man's in it, there's this cowboy guy with a gun guitar, a half human cyborg man and some dude who turns into a giant for no reason.

So I was psyched to see somebody put it on Youtube. I don't know why it's in Japanese.

A friend of mine sent me this the other day:

The Russian poet in question is Edward Limonov. He's the head of some Stalinist Russian cult-like political party and a columnist for english language russian weekly the eXile. A journalist I once met at a bar in Prague called him a "beatnik fascist" and the more I think about it, the more right that guy...
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I saw my former roommate yesterday for the first time since he moved to Chicago. It was cool to see him, but the reason I'm bringing it up is his blog. I think he has the most awkwardly named blog in the world.


It's actually pretty good, and I wish he would write more on it. It's a very odd mix of uber-liberal politics...
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I watched Lady Vengeance last night. It's the 3rd movie in Korean directer Park Chan-wook's revenge trilogy. The seconf movie in that trilogy, Old Boy, is one of my favorite films of all time. It's a shocking, brutal movie with a great plot and just tons of weird stuff going on. There's also an amazing fight sequence where one dude beats up a gang...
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I loved Oldboy. I heard about the remake, too... I'm not particularly looking forward to it, however.

Is Lady Vengeance rentable at this point, or do you have to be in the in crowd to get a copy?
I got Lady Vengeance off of Netflix, so I guess it's rentable at finer video stores everywhere.

And I just read that the Oldboy remake has been postponed. It was apparently set to be directed by Justin Lin, which isn't all that promising. And here's where I got that intriguing piece of information:

This is probably really old news for anyone on this site, and unfortunately highlights my unhipness, but I just heard the Hold Steady for the first time. They're pretty fucking good. Sort of like a hipster Springsteen vibe. I hope they don't sap out, though. The lyrics are really compelling, sad story songs, and in some of them I thought I detected a danger that...
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I haven't had a drink since late November, which makes this the longest period in my adult life I've spent sober. I once interviewed Steve-O and he told me he spent one night off the sauce, and said "everything about not drinking was weird." That quotes been going through my head pretty much nonstop for the last couple of days.

I'm not in a program...
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I just found out that the dude who runs the sorta-famous New York blog http://theassimilatednegro.blogspot.com/ went to the same college I did.

Unfortunately, I found out about it because of this post: http://theassimilatednegro.blogspot.com/2006/11/breaking-trinity-colleges-assimilation.html

I was gonna email him and say something like "hey dude, I went to Trinity!"
Then I realized he wold probably just write me back and say "great, are you a racist,...
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This girl I used to work with once told me that when William F. Buckley was young, he was a total babe. She was a rocker chick; leathery longhairs were more her type than tweedy iron jawed intellectuals.

So, something like four years after the fact, I finally got around to plugging him into a google image search.

This is the most attractive shot of...
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Sometimes I think I really miss smoking weed. Then I smoke some and feel real paranoid and uncomfortable and regret the whole thing.

In general, I think smoking weed is a better vice than drinking, and I really miss watching movies stoned. (I don't miss the drive to or from the movie theater, though.) I also do like being really confident about passing drug tests,...
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I've decided to update my blog for the first time in, like, forever. I just watched the second Ultimate Avengers movie. It was OK, but couldn't really hold my full attention. I also have Wild Zero, starring the great guitar wolf. The movie comes highly recommended from my friend James, but I don't think I have the heart for it right now.

I was on...
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A very good friend of mine wrote the lead article in this month's issue of The Believer. There's an excerpt from the article here:

I haven't had the chance to read the whole article yet, but it looks pretty good.

Fascinating article!