Hi! This summer I'll be shooting:
- In Normandy, France, from 21st to 24th of July (Rouen, Caen, Le Havre, Bayeux)
- In Brittain, France, from 27th to 30th of July (Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Brieux, Vannes, Rennes and maybe Nantes, not really Brittain but you got it)
- In United Kindgom from 3rd to 6th of August (mostly London, Brighton)
- In Norway from 18th to 20th...
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Man, this is insane, 833 likes for our first set... it might not be that much for others, but I'm really happy! You'd definitely have a little eye and leave a little comment if you like as well: @tsounachaplin - Sweet at home

I really hope we could work together for long and progress, and to meet other girls in my country. The next set
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Well, okay I was not on the site for a long time ago but what I feel is that there are not lots of Plus Size SG models, don't you feel this way? I have the feeling they're condemned to stay Hopeful and they won't turn pink.

Dont get me wrong, there are so much Plus Size Hopeful girls I follow, and much I'd be...
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Et c'est, entre autres raisons, ce qui fait que je me barre: les grosses ne seront jamais pink. Et j'ai pas envie de montrer mes fesses sur un site qui fait juste "semblant" de promouvoir la diversité et la beauté alternative, et au final ignore tout une catégorie de meufs.
Je me suis dit que c'était l'une de ces raisons qui te fait partir...  Je regrette d'être aussi impuissant actuellement, j'espère avoir la possibilité de contribuer à changer les choses avec mes petites mimines un jour (mettez-moi au staff, ça va chauffer haha). Quand à toi, juste deux choses à te dire : "ne pars paaaaaaaaaaaaas :'( " et "j'adore tes photos et je te dis à plus tard sur ta page insta :) "

Little confession...I'd love to travel with this project all over the world, to shoot with all beauties from various countries... Gotta be famous for that, right?
Here are some preview pics on my website, please have a look if you have time tell me what you feel about it :)
Sensualités Anonymes (Anonymous Sensualities)

Oh, by the way, my first set with @tsounachaplin is about
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Beautiful capture
Thanks so much @ski :)

From 21st to 25th of April, I'll be playing ("keyboarding") at The #troubadour with my bros Kevin Davy White & Friends! I'd be delighted to see people from here around... And still have a camera with me for sure :)

More infos on the Facebook event: R.E.D Show at The Troubadour