skull skull skull
Wow, i joined the Military group.... i thought it might be interesting to read what army types are thinking today. What did i discover? Douchebags, a plethora of douchebags. i was in thae army 5 years, went to 2 different "wars", never saw my family, got shit on by officers, worked for less than mimimum wage (when you add up the amount of time spent...
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don't baleet my comments biotch
Wow, it snowed. The weiner dog doesn't like it, but riley thinks it's the coolest thing ever. Went to a German restaurant yesterday. Had some tasty Franziskaner on tap, mmmm.

Amanda just came in to tell me it's snowing again. Rad.

Still no job. Suck. I'm trying to figure out how to do construction permiting. I can do it independently, and there's no start up...
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eww dude, don't sacrifice a meatball for rain and cold. that is fucked up for me.

aaaaand, you play more than 2 freaking hours....besides, when you aren't playing you are checking your email 50 billion times a day. no one loves you THAT much.

'cept me.
Took the pups to the dog park yesterday. The weiner is terrified of big dogs. It was funny. Everybody thought Dixiecup was a puppy, not a 9 year old vicious pit bull. Grrrr.
She frolicked. Yes, frolicked. Rileydog didn't go to the park with us because we wanted to take the other dogs to the self serve doggie bath place. We got new neighbors; they...
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The girl is driving me crazy about finding her some "stuff."

We watched the 8th Annual Cannabis Cup, and now she's GOT to go to Amsterdam. i like to rub it in that i've been there several times. Personally preferred Nijmeggen (sp?) to Amsterdam. All the good stuff Holland has to offer, but no tourists.

i started reading - The European Dream : How Europe's...
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That was the best thing i've seen in a while.. I Love you again.... even thought you fuckers had to move YOU ASSHAT FUCKING BASTAGE FUCKWAD DOUCHE HOLES!!! FACE!
HAH, nice man. go for it fool!
i wanna take the chick to a movie. We're both picky bitches about movies. Somebody make a good suggestion. Quirky-funny is good. So are smart documentaries.

1.No car chases
2.No action stars
3.No cops portrayed as heroes
4.No buddy films
5.Nobody from Saturday Night Live

And, generally speaking, no blockbusters. They're always made to lowest common denominator standards.

Side note: i miss my pool....
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