I'm a writing fool, fool.

Computers hate me. I've figured this since I first saw Maximum Overdrive. So on Thursday night, I was making some real headway on this short story I've been revising. I added in an extra scene that I thought was working really well. But it was getting late and I had to be at work at nine the next day, so...
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Crank: a film review by James Dean Callaway.

Yeah, it's all right.

Thank you.
MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *makes horns on head *
My ladyfriend's moving in a month's time. And I figure that's as good a time as any to throw in the towel, sexually speaking. At least for a while. A friend of mine was telling me about a massage parlor in town, so if I really start to miss getting jerked off, I can part with fifty bucks and have it done literally. In the...
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I drank a pot of coffee at Denny's. Then I came home and am on my fourth or fifth beer. So I'm at that weird balance where I'm coming down while still going up. Like meeting yourself in a dark alley. Which is especially disconcerting because if I know myself at all (and sadly for me, I do), I know I'm gonna hit myself over...
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What in fuck's name are you babbling about?
we were but I had to have panic and anxiety problems and such and I made him uhappy..beleive me I would do anything to have him back
I wanna put a bullet in my face.

No reason. And nothing new.

In other news, I discovered that Sergio Aragones wrote the back-up story to the issue of Weird Western Tales with my favorite cover. How's that for a slice of fried gold?

I got to see Supernova last night. I never got to see them when they were around before, and I guess...
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Haha, that is such an interesting point. I guess relationships are full of uniquely personal details that no one can really replicate, but everybody can relate to good guys knocking around the baddies. smile
how are you doll
Jonah Hex is rad.
Man you have no idea the douchatude on this guy! But no worries I already have another job lined up that 99% a sure thing wink I don't take any shit from anyone!!!
Oy, I'm buzzed.
And, yet again, without anything to say.
I'm actually going to do a comic book. Nothing to it but to do it.