woohoo only one more day till i leave hahaha and then to find a job dammit however also much fun to be had at home in the coming weeks, big party me thinks in response to the amazing CD that we're gonna do so crazy stuff will go down!
where are u jimmer? how's the band stuff going?
it's probably a bit late now, but i had a cunning idea for a way you can get a job quickly
join a temp agency duh. they'll give u a job straight a way, and quite often making pretty good money.
This quiet place seems livelier than before. The breeze goes through your place. It tells me. The wind it goes through your hair, and the door is wide open. We all wish, this to be a terminal place, except I have to say, the moods set.
The bars are, packed tight, the streets they hold up. The tourists and all. Weve measured out our strides,...
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James...look at ven's nose in the picture of me and ali...she is a witch!
stop schpooning around and get back to work! biggrin
wellll then i gotta get a job in the holidays cos i wanna get this sweet guitar, and also trying to plan out the recording schedule for the ep we're gonna do. fun fun.