Finally done with active duty. No more Marine Corps until February. So badass. Now if only I could get my lady situation to go as smoothly. Any of you lovely SG ladies gonna be in the Austin area soon?
Got tattoo number 12 on Halloween. It isn't finished yet but looks badass! Gotta rep the Wars.
Marine Corps birthday ball is tomorrow night, lets hope some lovely college girl takes pity on a single Marine and takes him home.
I've really gotta start writing in this thing more often.
Almost time to go back to randi for some new tattoos. Can't wait to get the Star Wars pieces that I'm thinking of.
Got back to writing songs again today and as always it was totally unintentional. It's like Keith said, you don't write song you just take in the world around you and let...
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Type random shit, update SGLand with whats going on in your life. Rant & rave.
Yeah, you pretty much got the hang of it smile
Slept for about 10 hours yesterday and woke up when my alarm for work went off so hopefully that will help fix my sleep schedule...at least until this weekend.
Goal for the weekend: meet some new people...some female people. Also really gotta decide on my halloween costume/s.
Sleep schedule is still out of whack. 12 hours sleep, up for 2 days, sleep 3 hours, up another 12, crash out for another 10, up 8 hours, sleep for 45 minute bursts over an 8 hour period...fuck. Used to not bother me that much but the jacked up civilian sleep habit doesn't jive with the military schedule at all. Less than 2 hours until...
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Back to workin with the Corps. Good to have something resembling a schedule again but the hurry up and wait still sucks. We are the least time efficient fuckers on the planet. Gotta get back in the swing at the gym and stop eating like such a fat kid. Couple day break from boozin then back to it this weekend.
how are you liking SG so far?
I'm diggin it. I've always loved the girls an the pics but the social side is pretty disco too. Kinda a bitch finding people in Austin thus far tho.
Star Wars obsessed, Harley riding, aspiring rockstar. May the Force be with you.
And with you as well smile