WoOP WoOp...
Everyone be excited, I start my new job tommorow!!!!!!!!!!
And next week I go take my permit test! Hopefully I will pass this time.. considering Im ACTUALLY reading the book this time around

P.S. It feels really really good to have purpose and meaning to get up in the mornings, maybe the old Jaxiboo will start to resurface.... love love love
How is the job? kiss
BIG DECISIONS. I think that I am thinking about donating my eggs, there are alot of women/couples who cant have children, and I know that I DEFINITELY don't want children right now, and if I can donate my eggs and help someone out then why not?? I mean, most people that are reading this are saying, how can she make a decision this big, this...
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SO...... Im stuck, I need something new to do with my hair. I dont want it super short again and Im trying to grow it out but its at the stage where its to long to do anything funky with and to short to do any long styles... I want it like a medium length, so if anyone has any ideas, send them my way
Reverse mullet? Long in the front and short in the back? That or hot pink.
So I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend! I know I did. A bunch of friends and I had a party/ bonfire and it was good. Much drinking/ laughter and puking ensued. And yes there is a picture, but not on my camera, anyways I'm crossing my fingers and hoping everything starts to fall into place. I filled out an application, so...
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Good luck with both the job and your set darling kiss
The Shit hath Hitteth the Faneth
and it blows. Last night my boyfriend and I were having sex and then his mom called. We ignored it, and I quieted down because thats why we thought she was calling- not that I was that loud to hear anyways., but then after we got done something funny happened and I started cracking up, and then all of...
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We live so close!
Exciting news today. I just got my pictures back from my photoshoot I did at the beg. of this month. Now I have to take them off the CD and upload them to my computer.... haha; good thing my b/f is tech savvy otherwise we'd be screwed, the pictures turned out ALOT better then I thought they would and they look awesome, hopefully everyone else...
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yay for new sets..cant wait to see it
Yesterday was scary as fuck!!! My boyfriend and his mom and I went to eat when we got outside it looked the end of the world. The sky was black, rain was coming down in buckets and the wind was screaming. We were navigating well trying to thru the streets of downtown Cedar Rapids when the sirens went off, so we decided to go shopping...
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damn it sounded like the world was coming to an end!!
your comment did show up, both of them
Yay 4 me. I made 27 dollars at the garage sale today and we still have all day tommorow too, and I just found out that when my best friend gets a steady job and her car gets fixed she gets to move in with us!!!
So the photoshoot went great!!! I was there 4 like 4 hours. and we went to 2 different locations. He took a shitload of pictures, now I just have 2 wait.
Woot!!!! I have a proffessional photoshoot on Monday. Im really excited, plus I have a kick ass theme and I think youll all be blown away with the results. I also get my glasses on Monday so yay 4 seeing.
Are u doing a shoot for this site? OMG, u absolutely *have* to tell me who your photographer is! I know all the photographers here in chicago. I hope u checked references ... not just checked out his portfolio but actually *contacting* models that hes worked with for a character reference. *ALWAYS* do this when doing a shoot of this nature, for your own safety. And bring a friend/escort! Oh u gotta tell me all abt it wink
yay for ur shoot, cant wait to see it