Don't give up!! That's awesome!
Live in the UK?
Want to do some good?
Something that I do every 6 weeks or so & is very close to me.
frown That doesn't sound like fun.
Fortunately I was able to sleep after I woke MDF up for some lovin'
Cant believe how much better I feel now Ive cut out eating meat!
Ok, so I miss bacon like MAD, but am eating more & more raw food (yay for sushi),juicing stuff too.
My hayfever has stopped,no more heartburn & as a plus Ive dropped around 21lbs.None of my jeans fit!
That rocks dude. Couldn't give up bacon but the rest can go to hell lol smile)
Well done on your weight loss!

Your wedding sounds like it was awesome smile
Evening all.
How you all doing?
Today has been spent just relaxing in the garden with a few friends & a couple of cold ciders.
Hope your weekend has been just as chilled as mine
Hello everybody peeps!
Well Ive been signed off work for 2 weeks as the tendons in my wrists are shot,cant really grip things & have trouble (read pain) in lifting/moving them.
So,Ive been enjoying the weather we've been having.

Today I took Austin for a walk to the local nature reserve, we had a good time playing 'Pooh sticks' in the stream & then we...
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So,daughter entered into the Southern Regionals Karate Tournament.
Very happy to say she got 2 Bronze medals!
1 for Team Kata,the other in Kumite (fighting)smile
fucking hell mate fair play you must very proud of her!! Whats her name and ask her to chose a track I will give her a shout out on Sunday and play a track for her
Cheers! Its Cerys Edwards & she'd like Foster The People, Pumped Up Kicks.

Hey All.
I REALLY need to get my ass in to gear & try & get fit.
Had a weekend away with a few friends,camped out under the stars, bit cold TBH but had a good time & next time I'm taking my Syncro camper van NOT a tent.
Anyway,we all took our mountain bikes & done some trail bashing,nothing too serious,only around 10/15 miles...
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Easter has been cancelledfrown
Sick kids means all the things we had planned have been put off,looks like a weekend of DVD's pizza & ice cream.
Still,at least the sun is shining this morning.smile
Hope your Easter is better