Been busy going to interviews and such lately..Hope I land one of them..Need to find my sis a present. Her b day was yesterday..She turned 28..I dont know what to get????hmmm.. We ate at Buca Di Beppos today..YAY...Love that place..Thats all...
Interview and testing tomorrow @ 145..It takes like 3-4 hrs.Shit.................Fuckin 45 min- hour drive too..Oh well I want more $$$..
Im TIRED still....Yup...Tonight i went to dinner w/ my sis, nephew, jalen, and I...It was fun but some trouble was stirred up w/ some drunk ass guys trying to talk to us...Long story but one sat by me and sis and one TRIED to sit right next to my daughter and I told him to get the fuck away from her . They were all...
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I'd be actin' a fool if some bustas tried get up on some sweet honeys like that. I'd be looking at those foo's being all like, "Does Mike A______ have to choke a bitch?!" Then I'd have to bust out my knife and cut those muthafuckas.

okay, needless to say if I was there, that problem would have ended fast.
next time, let me know. it'll end before it even starts. wink
Im TIRED!!! Want better paying job...Need to register fro classes...oh what to do, what to do?
I hate registering for classes, especially when the main classes I have to register for are science classes. I hate the fact I have to pay for a lab that I don't even get credit hours for. it's worse than having to take some college required bible study class at TCU or Baylor.
What school are you going to? I'm still at good ol' TCC. Taking the rest of my "basics"...

Going back to TCC makes me want to do bad things to myself. lol whatever
Time for Update: Well its been quite awhile.... We all went to CA...Had a great time...Went to Disneyland, California Adventure, The Beach, Shopping on ventura blvd, Melrose,
3rd st promenade, In N Out of course a milllion times, City Walk and visited w/ some family and ol pals... Then we came home and I had surgery..FUN!!! Now Ive been off work for a week and...
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it's od how one Starbucks can be all super liberal with tats and piercings and another can be really uptight and super conservative. you would figure because of it being a Seattle-based franchise it would have universally liberal dress/apprearance policy. crazy
it's od how one Starbucks can be all super liberal with tats and piercings and another can be really uptight and super conservative. you would figure because of it being a Seattle-based franchise it would have universally liberal dress/apprearance policy. crazy
Took my daughter to the Fort Worth zoo yesterday...It was so much fun but so HOT!!! Got some great pics for her...We also ate @ IHOP...Thats what she wanted..hehe... She had the Rooty jr..Later Let her hang out @ mimi's house and We went to see War of the Worlds...Weird movie...Not what i expected.....It was ok....I have to work Everyday till Wednesday then thursday appt...
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have a good time and enjoy the summer!

Well Im bored...Talked to a few old friends tonight on AIM...Pretty neat... Went to the doc yesterday... She told me to stay AWAY from milk products....Im lactose intolerant BUT I ignore it because everything I eat has cheese or something..I mean I dont eat meat so how else will I get my protein..I could care less to drink straight milk, I hate it anyways but...
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Soy milk.

maybe you should go vegan since you're already vegetarian.

yeah, I think I need to lower my caffeine intake, especially at Starbucks. most of it is that I spend too much money there. good coffee and pretty girls just keep bringing me back day after day. blush
other ways to get protein, well, you could look up vegan diets.

A few protein sources that I know(non meat or dairy):

brown rice
beans and rice
and of course soy

There are plenty more, but it's late. smile
Well work was actually very slow today...Business is starting to suck for Starbucks...Maybe they should stop building so many... I swear theres one on every corner...Oh well fine with me...Some of our customers we get can be soooo annoying, rude, stupid, and again rude.....Learn to be NICE
people, PLEASE........I have a doctors appt tomorrow...yuck....Dont want to go...I have to drive to Colleyville....I had a salad...
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Thanks Sweetie!
Yeah Starbucks... I guess those poor customers are either
A. Still have asleep and cranky or...
B. Caffin out for their fix.

I always felt bad for Starbucks employees cause I think their being taken advantage of. But then I just liked that they were giving me my good coffe fix. We got on good actually.

Anyway I hope your appointment goes well huny. I don't like doctor either... never go actually but I'm sure everything gonna be alright.
kiss O kiss O kiss
Freebirds rules! i hope to meet you soon! kiss
Its almost 2 in the morning and of course Im not asleep yet and I have to work tomorrow..Sux... I never go to bed early....Im kind of dreading work though because were doing this "ice cream social" thing so well be handing out free Starbucks ice cream (while supplies last) haha... Were probably going to get busy when people hear FREE and STARBUCKS...uhhh...Its almost time...
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what's so goddamn cool about In n Out Burger? It's all about fucking Del Fucking Taco! Even the SoCal kids I know are more about Del Taco than faggot ass In n Out Burger. You can get a burger at Del Taco anyway.

Del Taco is for the people that know and are down!
Sorry if I sound so irate...

I just think Del Taco is way better than In n Out. frown
Took my daughter to see Herbie today.. She liked it!! We finally bought a digital camera...whoo hooo!!! Pics will be on the way... Work tommorrow..... bye
i totally tried! i got lost and your shift was almost over. tell me when you work next and i will come. i'm so bad with directions in the metroplex. ARGHH!
nice new profile pic!! smile
Had fun earlier... Went to my nephews birthday party...
When I came home, well my damn apartment was flodded!!
I need to wash my work clothes... ehhh.... frown
Had to call emergency maintanance @ midnight..felt bad for the guy to have to come out...
why was your apartment flooded? eeek
hiii. i am a barista at peet's coffee and tea. im not sure if there is one in texas but it originated here in berkeley/SF. i love the coffee.. so amazing.