haHA! ...so Ive got my old laptop with me these days, which has an Svideo out. I can now play a movie on my tv as I putz around on my laptop! glorious!

something odd happened this weekend. I was productive to a certain extent! I did stay up late and get up late as per usual on with the weekends, but saturday...after being up...
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Well, I suppose its time to start journaling my experiences of the last yeear before theyre lost in memory. The logical place to start seems to be when I waltzed into the recruiters office.

So for some time I had been lurking about goarmy.com toying with the idea of enlisting as I had been depressed for some time and thought"hey the army, thatll get me...
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Well, a six hour time difference sure is a pain in the ass. It leaves me with very small windows of opportunity to talk to my people back home, my working most of the day and their work/school schedules conflict a great deal as well. Thats one of the major issues I have with this assignment. The unit is outstanding, rich history, experienced NCOs, a...
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Well Im back in the damn Italy. And to no great surprise Ive fallen right back into the old army habits and it feels like I never even left...except of course for the fact that PT whooped my ass a bit harder than usual today.

Leave left me feeling a bit strange, I was reminded of the fact that my family drives me absofuckinglutely insane...
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Well, its no great surprise thats its been half of forever since I posted. Got a half decent excuse this time tho, IM HOME! Ive been busy doing that one thing, what is it...oh right, enjoying life. Best part is Im home doing whatever the hell I want...no worries about work or school or anything resembling responsibility. Well, I did have to go to a...
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plastic weapons babe!

thanks for yr comment on my set!!!!!!

Well its certainly been a while since I posted. I did however try a while ago but the conection timed out and as the entry was an angry one I was in no mood to retype the shit.

Part I: EIB(Expert Infantry Badge)
This was was an extraveganza of shit! We spent two weeks, one of which was a solid 8 day work week, training...
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Thank you for reminding me why I never joined the military. I keep thinking to myself "Hey, go see the world. Have a secure job. Military ain't sooo bad." But, now I'm remembering that you have to physically exert yourself.
well...only a 10 day gap this time, not to shabby.

current sitiation: for the last week weve been getting up early and working late training for our EIB testin coming up(EIB=expert infantry badge) and have simultaneously been preparing for a dress uniform inspection.so last night we get done with our training, come back and turn in weapons then get started onour class A(dress uniform) preps....
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wow, everytime I post it always seems to start with something along the lines of"well shit its been a long time since I posted"and this time is no different. and Im nowhere near active enough on the boards to make up for my lack of blogging, all in all I seem to be wasting away my membership. pitiful.

I suppose Im antisocial even online! thats...
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Okay, Mr. italy... how the hell do you know where the Budd Lake Diner is? That's my neck of the woods (growing up that is)
I know both diners very well. I miss that New Jersey charm. On of my best friends lived out in Mansfield. So where are you living nowadays?
Well god damn, its been a while since I updated this, and sadly enough Im paying for the ability to do just that.

Well Ive managed to relapse into some deep depression and have recently been hating life with a renewed intensity. Hopefully Ill die before it becomes enough of an issue that I feel compelled to kill myself. Guess my occupation could help there...
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well today was relatively uneventful.

got up, showered, headed out with my buddy to make the rounds. stopped by the post office and checked my box inwhich I found a package notification, so I head around to the parcel pickup place and it turns out theyre closed on the weekend...perfectly sensible. so I head over to the PX to find out when the damn electronics...
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hahaha, it seems in my drunken haze I forgot to post last night...and thats essentially all I had to post about. god bless guinness...Im such a dirty mick, in fact for the first time in quite a while I slipped into a bit of an accent the other morning as I was counting a cadence, which is an excedingly odd thing as Ive never had...
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