Holy hell in a handbasket boy wonder, I'm rockin some sweet ass back here in hawaii! I come back, and no more than a few days later, me and my rollin crew has done equipped ourselves with four of those $120 force f/x lightsabers and have beaten the hell out of each other with them! Also, I think by some dumbass mistake in the department...
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You are behind the times Seaman, my religious preference with DoD has been Jedi for quite some time now. And now for the really sad part..... appearantly it really is a religion in Australia
Cars were invented to have a faster way of fleeing from Chuck Norris. Not to be outdone, Chuck Norris invented the car accident.
Ah, yes, good times were had while I was home. Met up with some old friends, hit up some seedy bars, got drunk, terrorized my siblings, and played my long lost xbox. Good times, and some even more crazy shit happened, but I'll explain that later if it actually pans out as expected- believe me, it's crazy! Anyway, I'm gonna take off, so keep it...
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The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain
YES KIDS!!!! I finally made it back home for the hollidays! Good ole Boise Fuckin Idaho! Let me tell you, so much shit has changed! Its hardly even home anymore with all the strip malls and coffee houses and all that bullshit in the open areas me and my buddies used to run around in. Oh well, I've ran into a few more friends from...
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well idk if keeping up with me drinking-wise will be a problem..it depends what i'm drinking puke let me know when you get back though.. we can make a plan and cause a riot.
YOWZA! My tolerance is back up to standards, and my car has yet taken ANOTHER turn for the worse, but, all in good timing I guess. Needless to say, the car saved my ass, regardless of what happened to it. So, just been chillin with my booze and my movies, and my broke dick car waiting on surgery, which is the 5th of Dec. So,...
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yea screw you too...
Holy Ballsack, I'm Back!
Yes! However, here's the kicker, I didn't go on restriction, I got sent to jail! YEAH! It was so lametacular. It was basically in a nutshell 30 days of re-motivational training, in other words, a fucking vacation. I loved it. Except, the only things I got out of it was a hernia, a dead battery ($65 fucking replacment...Gay!), and the alchohol...
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Being drunk is fun..but you've seen me drunk and how little it took wink wink biggrin But imagine how my tolerance will be once i drink again!! eeek eeek If you're a school girl when it comes to drinking then that would make me a 1st timer! tongue Rachel still drinks like a fish!! I have mad respect for that skinny girl that can drink like a grunt! biggrin biggrin Well, getting close to the end of the pregnancy and I am DYING for that cigarette!!!! skull skull Fuck! Well that's good that your back..the crappy part is that I haven't seen you yet! biggrin Well shit I'd be ashamed if you say my preggy ass now...I have yet to meet a man that wants to do a pregnant chick..besides the fact that he has some fantasy quota to fill!! biggrin I think chris does it cause he has to..lol J/p he'd be pissed if he read that.. biggrin I just don't see how a guy can find a big round belly sexy..I mean if they don't like fat chicks..what makes being preg any different? Anyway I'm gunna shut up now..when you read these you're probably only understanding words like SEX,DRUGS,BOOZE,VIDEO GAMES,MOVIES,BLOW UP DOLLS..etc.. biggrin anyway I'll let you know when we celebrate my 21st! We will deffinately be gettin' shit faced and hittin the strip clubs!! Whoo-hoo my first lap dance!! That is if you don't get locked up again...BTW how's Josh doing?? anyways laters!! Oh, and what's your new number??? smile hope everything else is ok!! Feel better!! Sorry so long..don't talk to anyone much ne more!!! kiss kiss blush wink smile tongue
p.s. ur still a dork....but that's why we love you so! lol!!! tongue
Yup, there will be no updates from me for the next...oh...45 days! I would explain, but, dammit, I'm so burnt out on talking about how uber fucked I am. So, needless to say, I'm uber fucked. I'll catch up with you all sometime in december, and, well, remeber all the good times we had, you guys! I promised myself I wouldn't cry *sniffle*... Well, yeh,...
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lol well you get to read this when you get back..lol but in any case my number changed..thanks to nates dumb ass still calling me..its 808-392-0959 kiss kiss cheer up..it's ur fault biggrin
Wooo! Gettin drunk tonight! Again... Well, yesterday I had to work, and since monday is a holiday, well, fuck it, I'm gettin tore up tonight! Peace bitches, you got my number!
SEACREST, OUT! puke puke puke
well dummy my number is (808)391-8270...just be sure to delete it off your comments page...don't need weird people calling me..well wait only chicks scope out your page... smile never mind lol laters lush!!! kiss kiss
Konichiwa, Bitches!
Yup, still waiting on the word from the big man to decide my fate, the job still sucks my anus, still don't have the red rocket legal, and the cell phone is still lacking all the cool shit my first one had- although I do have an ass of new pictures! Anyway, I'll share all those later, like, when I have time to...
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hooray for perverts!!
we make the world go 'round.. and such. ARRR!!!
Konichiwa, Bitches!
Yup, still waiting on the word from the big man to decide my fate, the job still sucks my anus, still don't have the red rocket legal, and the cell phone is still lacking all the cool shit my first one had- although I do have an ass of new pictures! Anyway, I'll share all those later, like, when I have time to...
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Yup, typical shit luck continues. Come sometime next week, I'll be goin up the river to see the big man, and get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Gonna be trapped on the boat for 45 days, and end up with a half months pay for 2 months, so, I'm gonna be hurtin come x-mas time. Oh well. It was bound to...
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about time.... smile