i feel like crap today. i went out drinking with my roommate for the second time this week. need to remember not to do that. i'm thinking actually of not drinking for the next couple months while school is going on. we'll see if i can manage that or not.

on the plus side of life, i'm going to flordia in less than 2 weeks,...
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how's the not drinking working?
i wonder what the hell i was trying to post with that last empty post i did. some sort of drunken ramble no doubt

anyway, a quick shot of what's going on in my life at the moment.
1. i'm completely single for the first time in 6 years. last year we broke up but then because we broke up on good terms would end...
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currently i can't get enough of the new Gaslight Anthem album, The 59 Sound and the new Hold Steady record, Stay Positive. although they are both overly hyped, i highly recommend going out and picking up both of them. neither are what i would ever call punk but they are both great rock records. the Gaslight cd has a bit of a killers feel to...
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really there wasn't a whole lot to it. get there, check in, go by wardrobe so they can make sure what you are wearing is ok, which made me laugh because they wanted us to dress "punk" or "rockabilly." i naturally wore what i had been wearing on sunday (changed my undies and socks of course) and didn't have an isse.

once we actually started...
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a real movie extra, how neat!
Thanks for the support! i love your nose ring by the way! love its totaully badass! kiss
either i'm drunk or everything is conspiring against me at the moment......

i added a new pic i can't figure out how to make my me defaultish one, i can't download msn for some reason and make that work.....

i was apparently drunk because msn worked fine this morning. haven't bothered with the picture deal though
i shaved my mustache off the other day. it still feels weird
well as of yesterday morning i'm enrolled in school for the first time in about 7 years. luckily because of already having a degree i won't have to take most of the usual general education classes i would otherwise have to which should save me a ton of time and money. hopefully it worked out
what will you be learning about?
Computer networking. NOthing too exciting but it should be alright
Tom Waits this Sunday in Knoxville! i'm slightly excited for the show.... slightly less so for the 8 hour drive and what its going to cost me in gas money, but fuck it, its Tom Fucking Waits
Tomorrow night i'm bartending at St Andrews for the Red Wings game.

anyone who has been there recently has probably seen our video screen that we drop down between bands to show upcoming shows. well tomorrow we are showing the game starting at 9. i'll only be serving beer, soda and water but it should be frun and of course there will be no door...
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i'll be at st andrews for official after parties (eletronic music festival) all weekend. if you are going to hart plaza i'd suggest hitt us up after, though tomorrow might be sold out for ritchie hawton (or however that is spelled, the dude who used to go by plastikman) we will be open til 4 am both nights, though only serving booze until 2.

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