Sorry I haven't updated or replied to you kids. Been busy packing and geting ready to move back to Raleigh, still am. And now, no internet for a week or two. frown

Story time!!! Writing Zen koans is fun. Try it sometime, here's another i wrote. Ready??!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!one!


A rich and powerful lord demanded of the various Buddhist temples to erect a statue to signify the...
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A man was meditating once near a babbling brook. The noise began to irritate the man and he asked the brook to cease babbling. The brook complied and grew silent. The man went once again to meditating, saying the universal sound of creation, Om. He slowly said this as he sat next to the now quiet brook. Soon enough the crickets began to chirp incessantly....
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How very profound! I enjoy stories like that (when they're not from major religions, i.e. the money grabbers!).

I'm guessing this is from Buddhism?
Thanks for offering to burn things for me, that is true friendship! lol
When the union's inspiration
through the workers' blood shall run,
There can be no power greater
anywhere beneath the sun.
Yet what force on earth is weaker
than the feeble strength of one?
But the union makes us strong.

They have taken untold millions
that they never toiled to earn,
But without our brain and muscle
not a single wheel can turn.
We can break...
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Interesting. You wrote this?
FANTASY: To see a beautiful and clean world, full of communes and collectives sharing all and giving everything to one another.

I love this. blush
Debi came for the weekend, left a bit ago. That was fun, just seeing her makes me happy. I remember that I'm not totally insane, just temporarily perplexed. Huzahh! to her. Although having Tourette's Syndrome, Manic Depression, S.A.D., and slight O.C.D. does have its effects. Luckily I'm a sturdy pirate, and i've long ago said to hell with the mental illnesses, the only thing which...
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one of my old friends had tourettes . she used to do speed and it would set off some of her ticks.
I thought they renamed manic depression to bipolar disorder. I can't keep up.
While researching Max Weber's "The Spirit of Capitalism" i discovered that it was also in fact the title of a hardcore manga series.

Take That! sociology and psychology!

p.s. I just realized i haven't checked on any of the new sets in about 2 weeks. Apparently there is more to this website than forums and groups, there is also nudity?! (omgz!!1!one!)
obviously i cant read gaelic, what did you say?
Wow, thanks for the info! ha ha
Did you know that deviance is an adjective?

I always thought it was a lifestyle.

Congratulations to Juliette for being the only one to solve my complex and nonsensical riddle. (Deviance is a noun, deviant is an adjective).


I like grammar, and I like dadaism.
i thought deviant was the adjective and deviance was a verb or noun.
me; ? "win grahmer (contest)s ?." ? i thought. i wased just been a dork. LOL'D.

I guess because I'm a child of history and when I think, I follow logic along the lines of history and fact. Therefore I deal in metaphors and similies alot. Which leads me to my next point/ramble.

I always wonder about the legitimacy of people calling suicide-bombers "cowards". For the record, destruction of human life is abhorrant to me. Especially that of innocent civilians, we...
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I think the idea in westerners calling suicide bombers 'cowards' is simply a misunderstanding in the culture of others.

I believe the kamikaze pilots were very courageous to sacrifice their lives in the way they did; how many western soliders could do the same?

Ah, the white man can irritate me at times...
I think people who commit suicide are cowards or mentally ill. Suicide bombers who kill civilians are stupid because they are barking up the wrong tree. Civilians have no power, so why piss us off? Not to mention the government doesn't care about us, so once again, it's a moot point for them to make us suffer. In the end, it's all ridiculous.
Everyone go and give schoolgirl some love. Sorry to see her go, I'm "the little brother" she "always dreamed of having". That's better then what that cop told me, which was that I was a "nogoodnik".

Now "nogoodnik". I didn't even know that word existed anymore. Surely 50s lingo died, and my using it was for irony and sarcastic value alone. But no, alas alack...
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Your name is Gavin? My bestest guy friend ever is named Gavin, and if I ever have another son, that may be his name too.

You played sex chess? I would love to see that in person. eeek

I have been very busy looking for a new apartment, which is hard work but will be so worth it to finally live somewhere where the murder rate isn't 1.4 people out of every 1000. Scared of that!

Nogoodnik? That's obscure....kinda cute though. I say you go with it. biggrin
I'll update tommorow.
thanks for the comment. I think I'm going to go with a totally diffenent set idea when I shoot the next one.
ooo aaa here is a monkey reminder to do so.

please keep in touch with me. you're like the little brother I always dreamed of having. sorry for not being on IM very often.
Man people get all weird and stuff when someone blows up their city and friends...Oh wait, THAT would explain terrorism in the first place! No wonder other countries hate us so much, apparently their "hot button" is when we train extremeists the techniques involving massive urban destruction, and escape and evasion. Who would have thought that training unstable extremists would turn out bad?

well except...
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'Not the time or place dude ... don't even go there right now.'