I came here to read 2 things and write this one thing.

I do not like Hope. I think he sucks.

I'm going back to playing now.

Well. Finally think I got all moved in. Everything seems in order, for the most part. Still have some boxes to unpack but the essentials are out. New TV is in place. Consoles are in place. Cable is hooked up and recording Caprica every Friday. Haven't watched last weeks, I dont even remember why. I was doing something else, just dont remember what. OH, right....
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I just moved and have spent lots of time looking for a job. Not as good on the bank account. erf.
I did actually, and I liked it very much!
Did you catch it?
I hate moving. That is all.
I'v moved 6 time in the last 3 years. It sucks!
6 times? Holy hell. I cant even imagine doing that..thats insane.
Its xmas time again. My work has made me hate the holiday..I really dont want to but I do.
yeah the dres is mostly a joke but it is so ridiculous that I actually like it. its very old too, probably vintage
As much as I dislike people, I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm usually let down but meh. I can't give up on folk.
I love love love my DS though, so it was only a matter of time till I got the R4.
And I'm definately going to watch it, for the sake of loving the series, I'm sure it'll be a let down. Of course I am upset that the character casting isn't ethnically correct, but since when have movies kept the script the same from the books or shows they're originating from.....Ya mean?
Stolen from avalon and it looked fun so here it goes..

What's your name?

Got a girlfriend/Boyfriend?
no. wife wouldnt like that i dont think..

How many siblings do you have?
2 sisters.

Still in school?

Ever been abused?

Are you on drugs?
No, cant do them.

Do you know anyone on drugs?
A few people, yes. Some more hardcore than others.....
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Some funny answer there wink
Whats even funnier is that I was so tired, I didnt answer the last few. I left the same as I found them...oops.
Just got back from LA today from another great Halloween party. It was so great even though the costume I had on was waaay too hot. I ended up losing about 6 or7 pounds in water weight I think. Took it off before leaving, no one seemed to notice. Once I find my camera I'll put some pics up. Other than that, working night shift...
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It has finally cooled down to a decent temp here in Vegas and I still cant go skating. Where is all this wind coming from? I keep hearing some new skate park here in town, cant do it in this crazy ass wind. So 2 quick things:

1. Dear people who come to my house and get me to try to believe in their god...
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I really need to make an effort and login more. I am missing so much...
Back from LA. I seriously want to move there, I'm so done with Vegas. I plan on going back every so often and looking for jobs and stuff, that's gonna be important. Disneyland was awesome I guess, it was the baby's first time. I think she liked it. The hotel we stayed at sucked. Fuck you Embassy Suites, fuck you in your stupid ass. Also...
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Fuck man, 2 more days. 2 more miserable days of work then I am on vacation. I'm mad excited about seeing the Galaxy play, that should be awesome.

In other news, if you're in Vegas on Sunday night...you NEED to go and see the Donnas. They put on such a kick ass show.

Tired now.
