HI to everyone again,
For all of you who have been helping me with my research, First: thank you so much; Second: I'm so sorry I've been off line for the past week or so. I had a show go up which was immediately followed by intense personal drama, the details of which I will not bore you. for all those who have been waiting...
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I am in class right now - Media 451 Media consumption seminar. This is the class for which I am writing my Suicide Girls project, which is nice. I like having the freedom of being able to research and write on what I want, but with a class this self driven there is almost no point some days to meet.
Today is one of those...
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thank ye darlin'
My show closed last night: "the Universal Language" by David Ives. We had the wrap party at the Treehouse (my place) and my head is screaming right now.
I just realized I've looked at virtually no hopefuls. UGH! At what awful point in my life did looking at pictures of naked women become a damned chore?
well I already added you as my friend mo-fo. HOW ARE YOU?! I'm downloading AIM onto this new laptop again soon, when I do I'll send you my SN
Outstanding! Mine is the same as always
Dear Diary,
Friday is going down as one of the best days of my life.

I fucked on the catwalk

yep, that's right.
I was working on a paper and this girl that I am currently crazy mad about comes to visit me. She has an hour and a half to kill between classes.
"I knew you'd be here"
"Easy guess, love. I never leave."...
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Yes, Ladies en Gentlemen, everything you heard is true. There a genuine bonified one hundred percent authenterrific, hautin apparition here amongst us the good folk of Austin College. Thats right a ghost. His name is Mortimer and he lives in the basement of the Ida Green Theatre. Well, for all of ye I see that are clearly out of touch with your history, let...
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hey all,
Just submitted this to a local litmag for publication.
thought I'd throw it up for kicks.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Cast Tomsy:
Tomsy A poet
Addison A playwright
Setting: A student accommodation flat near city centre, Cork City.

Two men sit on a couch with nothing to do. They decide to write a play.
ADDISON: I once wrote a play about nothing. That...
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just to keep this blog abreast with my work.
here are some excerpts from my article

for all of those like me who are way to lazy to read the details my original abstract reads thus: blah blah blah academic jargon bullshit bullshit feminist film theory blah blah fuck laura mulvey yadda yadda yadda. yeah... that got changed)

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

The structure and...
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HOk, last night in my room huddled around the glowing warmth of the space heater with a lady friend of mine, I came up with some wonderful new words.
Libitomized - lobotomize, but specifically for one's libito
trichotomy - like dichotomy, but for those of us that are of more than two personalities. I had to use it in a paper that is due in...
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Someone has to do it.