The Mensa test didn't happen. I actually kind of expected that. The Denver chapter is really unorganized and I never got a response from the guy. He takes forever to respond to e-mails.

On a different note, I've got a story I'm working on. For the first time in a while, I think I've got a viable idea for a short. Thing is, I wanna...
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i did the mensa preparation test on their website once, it drove me insane (i had some hopes since i had a reasonably good IQ test but then again the top 2% of the population, that isn't me)

personally i think heroism is still everywhere, to me heroism and bravery is still acting despite of how terrified you are and preferably in a way that you're still nice and cool while doing it.
any soldier who goes to war willingly and knowingly and every guy who stands up to a friend in a lost fight is a small hero to me.
if you're talking about the rambo's and die hards, that's not heroism that's just stupidity to amuse people.
i think these days people got too smart to still accept a character like rambo for a hero that's why the more mundane heroes full of conflict and fear are more popular, easier to identify with and somewhat easier to accept as reall.

[Edited on Jun 10, 2004 1:52AM]
A madman's bulldozer rampage that wipes out half a town is the kind of thing that gets you thinking.

It seems his beef with the city, the zoning board, and the cement plant that they let open next to his shop all came to a head when that reinforced bulldozer squared off against the cement plant owner's own heavy equipment.

That's so... fucking... epic,...
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jesus, people are so scary.
Saw the Punks vs. Psychos tour in Denver, though Lars Frederiksen was pretty-much right in saying it's the Punks vs. Horrorpops tour, since Nekromantix didn't play.

Lars & the Bastards were great. Motherfucker looks like Lemmy from Motrhead these days.

Saw it with a girl I used to work with at the record store. She was my punk rock goddess back in the day; I...
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wow. I think my comment may have come off a little accusatory int the wording, which is why I apologise. I was just being curious as to why so many people say that. Furthermore, too few people care to be into depth substance and character. that and your mensa application impress me about you. blush confused
aww, I'm your first friend. you seem super interesting. IM me any time Schoolgirl 12277. see ya later inky.
So when you're a music writer, it's not every day you go buy new music. So much comes in the mail, and enough of it's good that you don't hit the record store every week.

So it's a good, but rare, occasion when I actually make a trip and buy stuff. This time's haul:

The Blasters - American Music
Masta Killa - No Said Date...
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yo...regarding your post about the demasculinization of the American male...you gotta read
this essay dude. funny shit....sad...true....but funny.

I'd prefer a woman about as smart as I am, but you meet a woman that intelligent, and wouldn't you know it, she's far too smart to get involved with a dick like me.

why do guys say this? all of them do. everyone is intimidated/ impressed by how smart I am, but I just want people to let me be. this is part of why I am getting divorced, amongst millions of reasons. I always go for the far less smart guys and end up hating them for them being condecending and resentful. I am having trouble explaining myself... whatever whatever whatever shocked
Gotta remember to hit the Mensa test. I paid to take the entrance exam, and I've missed it twice. Now, I'm sure they're used to smart fuck-ups like myself, but I can't help but feel like missing it twice makes me less deserving to hang with the smart folk.

Anyway, it's this Saturday at nine in the friggin' morning. Ugh. The things I have to...
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the things you have to do to be an asshole social climber? sounds like a great thing.... if they are assholes why would you want to do that? (sorry just confused)
I don't really know that they're assholes. It's just the impression I get from a group like Mensa. All the same, I know that having Mensa on a job application or something would probably pay for itself quickly, and it can't hurt to meet a few new people. I'm dying to find a smart girl, and hell - maybe they've got 'em.

See, now I always figured nature had blessed me with the proportions to be a porn star if I wanted. I never figured my first truly porno experience, though, would involve taking a money shot.

Yeah, I saw the Burlesque Tour and had a blast, but the last number? The one that closes with whipped cream and chocolate sauce? Well, the girls are getting...
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Yeah, it was Shera! I would never do such a thing! *polishes halo*

wink kiss Thanks for coming out!
I too have a ruined shirt. Definately a bizarro world money shot. For sure.