We must learn that true happiness never comes from outside of us. We create our own happiness and we share it with others. The happiness that we discover in ourselves is an eternal source. The happiness that others give us can only be given so much before that person will burn out or must withdraw to recharge. This is why it's important to love oneself.
All very good points. It's just a matter of self-control, and it's way too easy a place to fail.
@Chrysis: *smiles* It's only easy to fail, because you believe that. The world inside of you is only yours. No one controls that universe. It really boils down to you choosing to fail yourself or not. When you can break that belief, you break your bondage to doubt and insecurity. The only limits that exist to me in this world are the physical limits. When it comes to your mind and soul, your possibilities are limited to what you want to believe. How to reach those core beliefs? Well... Maybe I can show everyone in the blog world one day... It's quite a process...
People have forgotten the spirit of Christmas: love and charity. Giving to those in need, charity. Giving to spoil your kids, gifts. The act of giving has been lost to the corporate holiday. This is why I hate Christmas. So many have learned about Christmas through experiences such as TV commercials, shopping at the mall, and parties. Not a lot of people have had experiences...
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LOL, I'm an idiot. I posted earlier, thinking that my posts will post up to the blog void of SG, but I realized the latest blogs pop up in the activity feed in the Members section. *facepalm*

On another note: I scared another one off with my honesty. Hmmm. I guess the truth is too much for people to handle or I'm a jerk who...
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There's one thing I love about having a secret blog. I can tell you, my nonexistent reader, anything and I would feel safe. I can't do that on Facebook. I know there is no one I know here and so I can truly say what's on my mind without shame or regret.
I've been happy for the past two days. An unrequited love has finally claimed my heart as hers. It's no longer unrequited.

For some strange reason I'm very sleepy today and it's only 5:45pm. It's my birthday I need to go out and celebrate with my friends, but more enticing right now is to curl up in bed and take a nap.
An email to a friend:
I know what I want in life is to always have love and to give it. I know I don't want to be in the same place for too long. I'm always looking to progress; financially, career-wise, spiritually, relationship-wise, physical fitness, etc. My life is mine alone. I can't waste anymore of it. I'm 27 and have nothing to show...
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A love from my past dropped in and we talked all day yesterday... All day... I'm ecstatic. You know someone for 4 years and you would think you know a lot about him/her, but you'll be surprised to find out more. Those old feelings came bubbling up to the surface again. You can't stop those feelings from re-igniting if you don't ever let them go....
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She's been cheating on him and they've been discussing divorce. I could tell he loved her, but he was hurting. She was too. She was hurting from all the shame and feeling ugly. The day before he arrived, she got on the highway at 100mph and shot herself in the head. Yesterday he was bawling his eyes out telling my co-worker this story.

I hear...
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What makes a starry night beautiful is the vast abyss that holds it all... Every pinpoint of light was a shining moment in your life. Find the constellations in your life and you will find the beauty in all the darkness.
I've found the Suicidegirls interesting since I saw one of their burlesque shows on DVD. I finally decided to join the website after years of avoiding the temptation. Just another faceless fan. Now, I'm just going to slip back into the crowd and disappear.