Well fuck.

People will actually pay to see you lay it all out for them. Paint, or write, or something... Anything. So long as people can take it home with 'em, people'll want to buy it.

Emotional DeathStars are exactly what people need in their lives. Tear 'em down. Destroy them completely. If they can't take a little total-ego-devastation, then they're doubly in need of...
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Quantum Foam...

There is a unit of measurement called the 'Plank Length'
It's the distance that light travels in a unit of measurement of time called 'Plank Time'

Special Relativity shows us how time and space are elastic. Einstein called the fabric of the universe 'Space-Time'

But as we go further and further into the microscopic, relativity becomes more and more iffy. After a certain...
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I am exhausted, so I haven't read your blog yet -- I'll put it on my "to do" ;-)

When I use PhotoShop my CPU has a bad habit of just shutting down all of the sudden.. I was linking that to the fan failing on my graphic card, do you think so ?
Once upon a time, I wrote a love letter about the analogous aspects of quantum physics and love. I thought it was the single sexiest letter I'd ever written. I'd just remembered it a couple hours ago, and I dug it up.

The girl to whom I was writing wasn't really moved by it. I'm not even sure if she ever bothered to really read...
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One of the most haunting songs I've ever known.
It's adapted from a Turkish poem by Nazim Hikmet

I come and stand at every door
But no one hears my silent tread
I knock and yet remain unseen
For I am dead, for I am dead.

I'm only seven although I died
In Hiroshima long ago
I'm seven now as I was then
When children...
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I agree with what you say on the last section of the first poem... I was left thinking, "What? That's a contradiction", but everything before it was moving smile

I can't see the rhythm in the second poem.. Obviously there's no rhyming scheme, but it is definitely more direct..

.. Thanks for your advice... I plan to continue ignoring him and just avoid situations of "running in to him".. He is pretty unpredictable so any physical contact is a risky thing..

As far as your situation goes, I'm sorry.. You obviously need to find someone who's just as passionate as you are... Certain people just aren't "comfortable" with extreme desire or emotions so they think those who are in-touch with this side of themselves are "crazy" and/or a "psychotic stalker"... There isn't much you can do to "heal" your ex's paranoia besides just cutting her off completely.. Every time contact is being made, it is just re-enforcing the fallacies going on in her head.

Alright, time for a new post.

My artshow came and went. My Debut group show, followed closely by my debut solo show (which coincidently fell on the date of my 34th birthday)

It was surreal. Not just the night itself, but the last two months leading up to it too. Painting every night, all night. Sleeping three hours between painting binges. It was brutal. I...
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Stress is hitting me like a hammer.... periodically throughout the day, I suddenly remember what's happening in my life....

This is it... this is the big enchilada... all career choices up to now had been chosen for the sake of failure.... something to do to pass the time until I die...

Now, I feel like there could be meaning to my life... LIke I could...
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My debut opeing

September 9th... It's a group show, called, "Pushing limits" (sigh)

October 6th... My solo show opens. It's also the day of my thirty-fourth birthday. Come by drink wine, enjoy art, smoke a stogie, and watch me age an entire year in one evening =)

At the Karen Lynne Gallery
216 N. Canon Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

call me for more...
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Quantum Weeping

....emotions seem to happen without our approval.... Duality.... Irony.... Hypocrisy...

One thing and the other.... like a quanta passing through two pin pricks in a piece of paper simultaneously... and passing through the same pin prick simultaneously as well...

Imagine trying to leave a building and suddenly your shouldering past yourself... a duplicate you, just as real, appearing from undefined time and space......
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Okay.... This is a great story. but I've told the story so many times that it's become as stale as flat club soda to me.
Ted, my ex, recently typed it out for her boyfriend to read. It tickles me to hear the story from another point of view.

I love how she refers to my hair-cut as a "hair-cut" with quotes areound it and...
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Intimacy with Violence.

Three or so weeks ago, Im driving to a party.

I had just come from martial arts class.

I had run home to shower and change, and my muscles were still hot and I was still flush with adrenaline, when I jumped into the car to go to the party.

I was driving down an unlit street in Venice, when a couple...
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