So all this time later. Couple of relationships down the toilet. Had to move back home this past weekend after the last split. Boooo. I'm tired.

Hey- shit ain't alllll bad right?!?
Not in the slightest thanks to someone I know with a scene scarf that inspired me ha.
So someone sound the all is well alarm (thanks DJ). Things are definitely on the up and up.

From my last blog quite a few things have changed.

My boy Jason is out of the hospital finally and doing much better. We've had the opportunity to hang out around the house and see the kids and all that fun stuff.

I'm getting more hours at...
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Vegas update??
Come on now...
strippers? blow? midgets?
Tell meeeee!
wink kiss
So things have pretty well been in turmoil lately. A really great thing has ended. My friend Jae is horribly ill and in and out of the hospital. New job is good but I'm not getting nearly enough hours.

Things need to change. There needs to be less confusion and not knowing what is going on or what's going to happen.

I'm getting shit for...
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I am officially pretty darn fed up with liars and even more so with cheaters. A. Be faithful it's really not that hard. B. Don't hide it....if you fuck up admit it, it makes things easier in the long run. C. On a different note don't say things behind peoples backs.....if you have an objection or perception of someone let them know about it, this...
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Being heartbroken is no fun.

That's all I got for the moment.
I know that feeling all to well my friend
Just got back from Detroit. Movement fest. was amazing. Good freakin times.