oh it's stressful. it's the fastest paced job i've ever worked, but the atmosphere totally makes up for it.
smile blush blush
Is it wrong of me to be interested in shity trendy bands?? bands that skiny boys and girls like. They're not punk band and not metal band, just indie bands and all those mofos dress the same. and are there any good one??
I guess I'm interested cause it's the popular shit right now and every kid that's into rock in this are appears to...
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something crazy I've been thinking about:
can someone do something their too afraid to do if they convince themselves that their life depends on it?

ps: I'm not testing this on someone.
Happy Singles-Awareness day!
i got this from Sloane's blog.
smile smile smile
To you too smile
This week:
a bitch that lives near where I work came to the store after she bought something and said that I didn't give her the right change. I remember specifically that I did give her the right change. I told her I remember I gave her seven fifty in change and she said she would come back after I counted all the money in...
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I took up this stupid endevor because I didn't pursue photography or paintijng:: 3d computer animation. I wanted to paint but I guess I'm too lazy. There's this site called Blender.org where you can download FREE 3d animation software It's claims it's feature film quality. I looked at some pictures that were done with blender and they looked amazing. Last night I bought too books...
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04:10 pm

Today at work I finished watching the movie Broken Flowers on my psp. Yesterday at work I saw the first half of the movie. It's a very odd film. I don't know if I could recommend it or not. This movie isn't for everyone but it's definitely well made. There was a shit load of uncomfortable moments in the film, shitloads!! Check...
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thank you!

fuck coffee.
Check out Binx new set, she is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love love

Then check is out so you could laugh:
You only have to concentrate and look with one eye to a side and with the other to another... But I tell you, you're going to see everything blurry!
Last night i partied so hard i lost my walllet with about 700 bucks in it. I f'in hope who ever has my cash is using it wisely. That's all i can think of to take my mind off of it. I went to a little place in hollywood that's ok, can't recomend it though. I still need to party more though, but not there....
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Amina Munster is selling prints to help out someone in the hospital who is recuperating from a shot to the head. all proceds go to his fund. Read her blog for more info. Thanks. smile smile smile