I often dream of the end of the world. Just had another one last night and felt the shockwave of nuclear destruction sweep across me as I braced for death. Whenever I dream of the end of the world, it's usually pretty vivid. It seems like this should be disconcerting, but it isn't.
thanks for the lovins how are you
You're more than welcome, such a lovely girl, can't believe your sets aren't pink yet. As for me, I'm unwell, but surviving for now.
Rest of my Smiths/Morrissey tattoo is complete. I will post a pic when I get a chance. I've been all out of sorts recently. Time to catch up on a couple errands and relax. One of these days I may even try being creative. Lord I hate to continually mention it rather than doing it, but honestly if I don't keep mentioning it, it'll slip...
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I posted a picture of the outline of my Smiths/Morrissey ambigram tattoo, the rest should be done on Tuesday, then on to other pieces. Got so many tattoo ideas, I should pace them out, if not for pain and deciding, then just for sake of money. Then again, half the point is making life choices for good or ill and learning to live with them...
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OK, so I suppose I'm back on SG again, I just can't stay away. I guess I like naked, tattooed girls too much. Mayhaps I shall write on here for shits and gigs, but that'll probably just seem pointless after a few times and I won't be able to be arsed to vomit letters from my brain hole into the interwebs after a few go...
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i wanna see that smith/morrissey tattoo!
Due to the overwhelming demand of one person, I added a picture of my incomplete Smiths/Morrissey tattoo to my photo album in SG. Not sure how to insert into my comment. Oh well. It should be done Tuesday, then on to other work.
I hate you... OK, I only probably hate you. I'm a terrible music and movie snob, a beer snob, an opinion snob I guess would be a better term. Is that just a defense mechanism to keep everyone away? Do I choose only people who will push me or I will push away so I never have to let anyone in? What the fuck is...
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Again I gotta do this? I can't keep feeling these feelings. I just can't. I'm really getting sick of playing these games, but I keep thinking it'll be worth it in the end. To be literally given no hope is a hard hill to climb... if I had an option I wouldn't, which is a scary thought, it makes me think i'm wasting my time....
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I rarely post here cause i'm rarely home and when i am home I am drunkenly perforating fools on black ops. It's about time to finish that game up. I should try to do something with my life. Even if that something is to create shit for my own enjoyment and not that awkward tease that somehow the stupid ideas that spill out of my...
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I don't blame Valentine's Day for being shitty. There are millions in love, i just have no real understanding of what the fuck love is or how to deal with another living person. Oh well, c'est la vie, there's always alcohol. Just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and I can't decide if i'm more Joel or Clementine, i think i might be the...
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First piece of my sleeve is done, more work in a month. It's pretty much, or exactly the piece from The Fountain, but it's drawn by me and more reflects my life. Not gonna upload a pic til its done, but its crazy and exciting.
If you like football(profit sharing) and jesus(luke 3:11), then you'll love communism.
Found a bunch of old posts and messages on SG from someone. Makes me miss those times even more. I thought i was over this negative way of dealing with things. Back into the downward spiral I go. I don't think it's bad to be depressed over stuff that is actually depressing. I don't wallow in the bad, i prefer to get away from it....
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Alright, i guess i'm back. I guess i should write all my insane thoughts on here instead of facebook, seeing as on facebook people assume every pronoun refers to them. Also all the rando work friends don't need to hear how crazy i am. Plus theres naked girls on here, so way the fuck cooler than facebook.
Welcome back