i have a few superstitious beliefs, but by far the biggest one is mirrors. ever try to get someone to cut a mirror for you? not even home depot will do it. and have you ever wondered why a dog will bark at a mirror? there is more to 'through the looking glass' the most people care to admit. something evil lies behind quick silver....
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The old legend of Bloody Mary, as well. 
@damian_stark yeah, the lamia. a number of spirits travel through mirrors, tho the lamia are particularly DISGUSTING

remember the nephilim, spineless swine? good luck with your word liars. haha.

@magali grazie k tu senti a me. fino k sento perso qui. tutti son pazzi. loro pensanno solo per lo stesso. é appropio pazzo!!! grazie por lei! te amo raggazza! stami bené. forse nel la prossimo mondo. ci vediamo :)

don't you just love narcistic sarcastic liars? how on earth is it that people can show themselves in public and point their dirty little noses in everybodies business at what is supposed to be the sanctuary of our holy creator. you know, God our creator, the one who created our temple, our sanctified bodies. our bodies are our temples, not yours, you self righteous spineless...
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passover ends on earth day, which is on the third quarter moon (4:22) @8 sundown ~ ♠︎ - eternal truth

Happy belated passover! Hope you were able to keep off the bread! I wasnt ^_^
@linnova •_• mostly. probably why we are still in Hell :p

think they have nothing up their sleeves? mass = volume/density =^.^= the smaller the volume becomes, the denser an object becomes, until it becomes a singularity. you can not determine the mass of an object unless you know its volume and its DENSITY

Bro sometime you do come up with the wisest yet very confusing blogs :P
ajajajaja @almost_missed you cant really come out and tell people they were lied too. you have to show them how they were lied to first. ;)

do you believe in hello kitty? heres another fact:

one afternoon i was sitting at outside the library. i was using a convex mirror to cut my hair. hello kitty kept pointing at my foot and then at my mirror and then at the sun. she kept going between all three for like ten minutes, and i kept trying our guessing game, where i ask...
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to control information is to control minds. who were the first two cia directors? they have controlled this nation before the beginning of the kennedy administration and have conducted their new world order from the side wings, with their eyes upon you even as you sleep. these are not men, but servants of the great harlot of babylon who continulously babbles on. welcome to the...
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omg! mental ass voices require some brand new ink therapy. oh, the humanity! hurt me some more, hehehe ;)

Dang bro you come out with one of the best blogs always gets me thinking haha
sorry about that ;) thinking is usually a bad thing :/ id much rather be enthralled by bugs and grass blades then trying to figure out how to build a better mouse trap. but i hope it gets you there quicker just the same! row row that boat :)