Today is the day!! We are moving today, and im so tired of cleaning already, and we've barely gotten started!

So yesterday was pretty interesting. I went to train at another store yesterday about 20 minutes from my house. I finally learned how to fill prescriptions and whatnot, pretty cool. Well, except for the fact I almost touched a drug that could prevent me from...
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Awww, no, YOU'RE adorable smile (in response to the comment you left me)

Yeah, I hear ya. People just think they can act any which way and be treated fantastically...it makes no sense. How are you? Miss talking to you! Don't freak out, everything will get better! I hope your BF is ok!! xo
Good morning sg friends.

Ahh, it has been an emotionally rough week. Thank goodness this time next week I'll be in a new house, that doesnt smell like dog piss!

Me and David have decided to pawn off the xbox because we arent spending as much time together as we used to. That'll be good.

I really dont have anything important to say, except I...
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New love is always the most awesome thing. Just take things one day at a time and make sure you are both on the same page about everything. Good luck with the new place. Moving sucks, but starting over is liberating. Hearts
Well, haha, we've been together almost a year. And as for moving, we are moving right down the street.. so i wont get to do much starting over frown
I dont know what the better decision is. Coming from somebody with chronic depression, anxiety and panic disorder, is it smart to not take the ultra high dose due to not producing seretonin anymore...
The problem is, i went to the doctor to get the generic of my medication, through a misunderstanding i ended up taking twice the amount I was suppose to. Anyway, major...
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Thanks for the add. Glad to see you in the chat room. BTW, I know about depression. I have bee suffering for years and I am on meds for the rest of my life and I go for counseling. I am here to suppport you. Chin up and cheers.
Thanks robert
Thank you
Apparently MGMT was on Saturday Night Live and I MISSED IT.

So Im pretty stressed right now, and something has been eating at my mind. The past two weeks I have had no energy to do Anything. At all. I have laid on the couch for hours at a time, only getting up to pee or eat.

I worked my ass off the beginning of this semester, made A's in two of my classes. After spring...
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Hiya! biggrin
HI! We have the exact same color hair, we MUST be friends biggrin
Very boring blog, but I want to start keeping a blog like i used to. It is always nice to look back and read what was going on in my life.

So right now I just woke up, drinking my lovely hawaiin grog coconut coffee. I just got a job at CVS as a pharmacy technition, and Im waiting on them to call me so...
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When I made the decision to pursue music full time I didn't realize the lifestyle it would put me in. For all the financial hardships it seems worth the sacrifice. I can't imagine not chasing down some type of dream and that keeps me going through the rough times. So I feel ya!

Just hang in there and keep surviving. A life without goals is a life not worth living. Moment to moment remember all of your decisions will follow you around for the rest of your life, so don't do anything too foolish. As far as I'm concerned we only live once, so make the best of it!
You took the words right out of my mouth. I completely agree with you. I am so glad I have talents and aspirations. I wouldn't have a reason to live if I didn't ya know?
Times are tough, but we both get through it, because somebody is always watching over us, whether its God or a higher power of some kind, somebody or something always helps us through.
I believe everything happens for a reason, its my life motto. These times have definately made me stronger and not take as much for granted.