So I am back. Just got done moving into a new house. Everything is good. I am also changing jobs. I think this one will work out much better than my last one.
Happy New Year SG!

also, I got into the Pirates of the Burning Sea beta.. the game is pretty cool so far.. check it out if you like MMO's set in the Caribbean, you can be British, French, Spanish or a Pirate.. and it is either third person single or ship battles which is pretty cool.

Thank you so much for the nice comment on my set - I'm glad you like it!
I haven't heard of that game! Is it on the computer?

By the way, SGATL is having an open event this Friday. Check out the info here and let me know if you can make it!
Thanx for the comment on my hopeful set! And congratulations!!!!!
Freakin Funny

The video doesn't show up
So I beat Halo 3 in ten hours.. Great game.. graphics are phenomenal.. ending is a bit confusing at best...
SO.. life thus far is flying by.. I don't even realize that the days have flown by until its my off day again... working 12 hours a day will do that to you I guess.. less downtime=time flying by possibly.. I don't quite know.. oh well...
Not much has been going on lately.. work, sleep, dinner, work again...

I laid out of work today.. so far I have played Guitar Hero 2 and am planning on cleaning the room.. we will see how much of that happens..
Ugh I have to clean too T.T I'm definatly feeling too under the wether to do so. puke

very interesting video.. its from a 1985 movie/show called The adventures of Mark Twain

IMDB site
ha ha nope. smile
but thanks!!
yeah i've been on bc since i was 17 because of the cysts....they often dont help as much as they should.
hope your gf is okay
So me and my friends decided.. we were "on the fence" on whether we wanted to go to the potter release party or not.. so we compromised. We are going to the IMAX to see HP at like 9:30 and then when it is out wait for the book to come out.. I can't wait.. not only is the IMAX last thirty minutes or so...
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So, a guy just got fired that had been working at my new job one month more than me. I had been working with him for about 2 weeks. He would work one store and I would work the other to get done. Well, he left something sticking out in the backroom and the store manager wasn't paying attention and was driving a pallet lift...
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harry potter!!! YAY
My posting has been rather erratic as of late. My job starts at 6 and ends around 2-4... so.. I have been staying up not as late. I like the job, got my first paycheck today and it is nearly double of what I got working at Blockbuster.. Sorry to all the great SG's and friends that I haven't been able to comment on and...
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