Justice. But now we to find those who issued the orders to abuse in the first place. Any guesses who?

Graner Gets 10 Years in Iraq Prison Abuse

By T.A. BADGER, Associated Press Writer

FORT HOOD, Texas - Army Spc. Charles Graner Jr. was sentenced to 10 years behind bars Saturday for physically and sexually mistreating Iraqis in the first court-martial stemming from at Abu...
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I went to work because otherwise I would have left this one lady all by herself, and she's someone I really like.
Plus, I'm a tough guy.
The toof and I are recovering though, so hooray.

always something interesting and worldly from you....thanks.
Since it is my birthday, and I now have the wisdom of being one day older since yesterday, one month older than last month, and one year older than the year before, I thought I would celebrate on SG be commemorating the death of a famous person who happened to die on this day back in 1941--James Joyce--who also happens to be one of my...
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happy (late) birthday!!!

belated birthday wishes! Thanks for the note smile ! I hope that you got everything you wanted.*smooch* Happy wishes!, And many happy returns!
Because I love to disturb you in the morning... smile

Dead wife as a coffee table

Jeff Green is a 32 year old american, in Arizona, whose wife passed. Due to the great pain he suffered due to her death, he did something totally out of character for a normal and sane person. He said, "I could no longer take the pain that my wife's death...
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kiss Happy Birthday!

[Edited on Jan 13, 2005 3:34AM]
Hope you have a wonderful birthday !! biggrin
I've noticed quite a bit of freedom on the Suicide Girls site. What I mean by that is freedom to get naked and express ideas. Of course, I do understand this is SG, and it primarily is a softcore porn site, but the community it attracts seems much more open with their bodies than any other community I've experienced so far online.

Are there other...
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Hee hee - My odd fascination with The Muppets is what made you curious? biggrin
punching jesus indeed! and a swift kick to the balls too.

Tsunami Death Toll Rockets to 114,000

By CHRIS BRUMMITT, Associated Press Writer

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia - The death toll from last weekend's earthquake-tsunami catastrophe rose to more than 114,000 on Thursday as Indonesia uncovered more and more dead from ravaged Sumatra island, where pilots dropped food to remote villages still unreachable by rescue workers. A false alarm that new killer waves were about...
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Yeah, this really hits home. So much loss this year. The World Health Org. is also reminding that support not only is immediately neccessary, but will be an ongoing battle due to the upcoming problems with illnesses & disease caused by tainted water & food supply, etc.

How about hope for a Better & Happy New Year for all?
Acting is a Sham!

Living in Los Angeles, and having lived 2 years with a man who fancied himself an actor, and also participating in my high school drama program for a few plays (I even had the lead once smile), I think I can safely say that the art of acting is a sham. Anyone can do it. Sure, some do it better than...
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i heard that story about Laurence Olivier before~ very clever. oh, and you are mistaken. not everyone can act. take me for example, or say, Keanu Reeves. but i can tell a fib like a MF. i guess that's sort of like acting.
Very sobering coming the day after Christmas... I think we know where our thoughts are today...

Asia Quakes' Tsunamis Kill Nearly 10,000

By LELY T. DJUHARI, Associated Press Writer

JAKARTA, Indonesia - The world's most powerful earthquake in 40 years struck deep under the Indian Ocean off the west coast of Sumatra on Sunday, triggering tidal waves up to 20 feet high that obliterated villages...
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Again, I repeat:

Ode to LA and the many fucktards who live here, courtesy of Maynard...

Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.

Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory.

Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.
material defender, i just extended you an invite to be my sg friend!
Good news to Harry Potter fans and readers in general...

Sixth Harry Potter Book Due Out in July

NEW YORK - Get ready for publishing's ultimate blockbuster sequel: Harry Potter (news - web sites) VI.

Setting the stage for another round of midnight bookstore parties and marathon readings into the morning, the penultimate novel in J.K. Rowling (news - web sites)'s mega-selling series, "Harry Potter...
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Yup. It's true. Sometimes guys really do suck. Take this cock for example...

Malaysian bride jilted via SMS: report

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - A jilted Malaysian bride was left waiting on her wedding dais after her groom called off the engagement via a mobile phone text message, a report said.

But Norlida Abdul Rahman, 23, put on a brave face and her wedding dress on...
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