I just spent $180 on books for two classes this semester.

TWO classes.
Almost $200

I guess I should not whine, for I remember back in The Olden Days of Yore when I ORIGINALLY was in college (say, 1990 or so), one of my engineering buddies had to pay $70 for one book. Well I just paid $108 for my Communications book. How lucky am...
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Did you buy it online, used, or from the College Book store? Book store's on the campus will ALWAYS be over priced. Online you can get pretty good buys, there was a site but I'll have to ask my friend about it. Used... well from the Book Store, probably like $5 bucks cheaper. Online... way less.
Ugh I can't get over how much freaking books cost.
This is a few minutes long but it's worth it - - my favorite is Oscar.... lip wax.... you'll see it.

"I got my wife extra ram memory for a gift. I even gave her a card saying 'Thank you for the Memories'; didn't turn out so well."

"What? I thought you wanted to take out that Jelly belly though!"
"Wow, I'm married to you."

Damn. I'll never EVER want to go to the Doghouse.
Thank goodness I'm single. smile
Hahah that's hillarious....
I'm glad that I'm not the type of woman who would WANT diamonds though....
I wouldn't want a vacuum either - but diamonds just aren't me.
Warning - Only Classical Music and/or Poetry Geeks will find this interesting. Just sayin'...

Rehearsal was good. As I fully expected the piece are working on for our concert in February is going to mind-blowingly intense and beautiful. Ralph Vaughan-Williams often used prose by Walt Whitman for his pieces. A GRAND example is "Towards the Unknown Region", in which there is a part where the...
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I was gonna ask if you'd be able to post a recording of your practices, but from my own personal Judgment, music like this should be experienced first-hand. The emotional intensity and the vocal vibrations from one of those concerts are things one can not truly experience from a recording.

Then again, I used to promote Napster.

When did you start singing?
Oh a mezzo-soprano. Interesting shocked
A new year has started and Change is Afoot.

So many things have happened in the last few years - so many uprooting, chaotic, painful things. And I knew at SOME point, it had to stop and be MY TURN for a while. I'm not saying life should be easy. It shouldn't be. But I've definitely gone through - and for my own betterment, to...
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Maggie is Boxer/Akita/who knows what else... she's a sweet dog, but exhausting. tongue
Lucky for her she's so darn cute. biggrin
Well, I wasn't going to comment on the first one being too flat - as I don't know what it is that YOU'RE looking for in a tattoo, to a lot of people..that would be perfect wink I do think the second one is FAR too busy though...
My tattoo artist emailed me 2 rough sketches today. This guy is amazing. I gave him elements to work with and he just DID them. I love both of them although I need some explanation on #2... not sure what he's drawn in the upper left hand corner. We'll discuss it on the phone Tuesday, and then I have to make a decision.

Neither one...
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number 1 is beautiful...

i must make sure to remember to check back and see the finished product!!
I'm drawn to number one....

Now, I should have had the sense to take a picture with my phone, for I did an outstanding job on the plating.


I just made Banana Pecan French Toast using Mandarine Napoloen, which is a mandarin liqueur that was originally made for Napoleon.

I am now going to post this recipe in The Kitchen

And regards to the sauce on the...
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RIGHT???? She is funny as hell and cooks real people yumminess and is beautiful..I love her!!!! I used to have wonder woman underoos heheh, If I still had them I would sport those bitches w/my invisible plane and get a lasso! tongue
The words you left me in my blog....
Thank you.
They really made me think and smile.
I appreciate them so, so much ♥
Dad rolled thru town yesterday after visiting his "lady friend" in Pittsburgh (god that makes him sound so old and traditional - - EEEK!!) After discussing it, we decided to put me and mom on the same AT&T cell plan as Dad and my two bros. So now, even though I live in Kentucky (2 miles from Cincinnati) , and Mom lives in Ohio, and...
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Ah man totally forgot the broccoli and I love broccoli. Very good point.
Im with you babe bring em on, but are you sloppy or clean when it comes to the sauce?
Today is the first day of the year.

I am going to make some coffee (it's about 7am), turn off this computer, and then clean up my place so that I can justify painting my bathroom. I'm going to have to prime it first, because the current color is a deep royal blue. It's not a bad color, I just don't happen to want a...
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When I get my place, your helping out with color placement. biggrin
AHHHAAAA...I'm confused too eeek It's like 8am on 12/30/08 to this very moment was nothing but utter insanity!!!1 My body feels like a friggin country fell on me. OOOuuuchhhhh!

Jorge is a very dear and single friend!!! wink

and the Parliment house is too dangerous for me and I was up in the clubs back @19 , 50cent drinks where??? and they won't card me???? OK -let's go play....... I've stepped foot in PH twice and my gay husband was like, NO-it's about to get serious in here and you cannot be present for it. GO HOME, o anywhere-but you can't stay here! LOL.

How was your New Years and Happy New Years By the way...
Is that a random pic of a bathroom showing the color choice, or is that your bathroom??? Cause if that's your bathroom-I love you!

Ok I know I am too old to be whining like this but ALL of my New Years plans and back-up plans have been swished down the toilet like Charmin. My only consolation is that my other friends are fairly miserable too, for various reasons. And no, that is not me taking joy in their pain, I was simply saying that we've all had...
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Thanks for all the well wishes on my tummy. I am feeling a lot better since for the last 48 hours I have eaten completely vegetarian (That does not include french fries or other "goodies") and have limited my caffeine intake. (<--- that's hard!)

Today was better. I took a RARE hooky day from work. Being as MATURE as I am, I honestly felt guilty...
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That's Philip. He's awesome.
Thank you so very much for your comment on my set. I feel you on the tummy front. It's so hard to give up great food. Everything down here is so spicy, but I have pretty bad hearburn. I love caffeine too, but I can't have that either. Bummer...