Miss Simmons, I give you a C. I knew this would be your grade from about page 200 on, only because the supporting characters' grades would raise your average, you self-centered little twit. While satisfying on a visceral level, on an intellectual level the ending was entirely too pat. If only Adam and Jojo had ended up as Camille's love slaves, or if one of...
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*grin* Indeed they are resistant to a good many things and frankly I moved my body out of the way, BEFORE I removed the shoe because I figured it would want to avenge itself. Much to my correct thinking, it did move for a bit. Not pretty.

Bastids. Got to admire them though.

Massive StarCon2/The Ur-Quan Masters spoilers ahead.

Had an easy early game; I sold the bolt gun to get more fusion thrusters and it paid off. After clearing out the good spots in Sol, Alpha Wolf, & Delta Centauri, I started the questing tour. Visited the Pkunk and got their ships, which I turned right around and scrapped for more mods to the flagship. Signed...
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Laundry....clean clothing is good...

Had a lovely, lazy weekend not doing a damn thing. Well, I wrote some checks and did other financial type stuff. Probably should have done some laundry, but it can wait a few days. It was a good recovery from the previous week.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the return of Thomas Frank at P & P. I should have picked up his What's the Matter...
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Wu...hoo? tee hee, I'm a tard. wink

No! Thank you for reminding me! Ugh! I forget these things!

Forward, always forward. It...is...by...caffiene...I...set...my...ass...in...motion.

On account of being totally wrung out by fun and exciting late nights this week, I will be sleeping early tonight. Sadly, this means I am missing The Touchables a potentially decent movie featuring the flower-pop Nirvana.

In other news, I Am Charlotte Simmons seems Dickensian. puke mad
Indeed? Hunh.

Caffiene is the jump start for my ass....wink

Not much going on. Called and caught up with some old friends out West this past week.

Had Chinese for Thanksgiving.

Looking forward to Mr. Wolfe on Monday; Mr. Wolf made a decent Mason.

26 days to go.

Space is a tough place where wimps eat flaming plasma death. It's nearly time for the annual play-through.
Indeed. Degue would suck. I have been sick a ton this trip, but I suspect more along the lines of circumstance and booze. wink Hope you are well.

The Metro town hall had a SRO crowd. This is good.

Dr. Strangelove is excellent on the big screen; go see it.

I Heart Huckabees was amusing. Lily was fantastic, and the fireman character was too like me. Funny though.
Deming and the folks at Toyota would be proud. Yesterday, I had maybe ten more pages of endnotes to American Dream left when I walked up to the counter, picked up my preorder copy of I am Charlotte Simmons and paid for a copy of Free World, which I had autographed. Since it is a few weeks yet before Mr. Wolfe (hee hee) will...
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Tufte was cool; he signed my swag. Plus, work paid for the class.
Ooh! You met Tufte? I'm absolutely fluorescent green with envy.
Top reports I'm now at over 200 days uptime. Yay!

Tomorrow, I get sent for some training I hope will be cool. Copies of the Strunk & White of data are promised, so I'm optimistic.

Today, I need to return the new cellphone I got, and cancel the associated contract. The buttons are too tight for me to be bothered to reprogram it, so I'll...
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uptime, the epitome of geek vanity smile