From nomad61


HavenRose- Long-time fan but this it my first time addressing you on your page...How long do we all wait for your next photo shoot to be released? I am confident I can speak for us all.... We Can't Wait To See Them!!!!!!!  Be Safe and have a beautiful weekend. - Nomad-

Hello Nomad, I have not heard from you in some time. I miss our conversations and appreciate your support. My next set release is in just under a month! I do hope you and Everyone enjoy them!  I would love to catch up with you. 

From eyes52


Was just wondering how your doing Gorgeous? 

Hi sweetie! I've been out of town for work.  So that's kept me busy. I'm back to reality and still trying to figure shit out. I'm going to focus and make time for SELF. One day at a time. Thank you for thinking of me! You are to sweet! 😘
Glad to hear your taking some time for yourself and take it one day at a time. When it feels like things are getting to be too much that's what I do. If you ever need to talk I'm around Gorgeous 😊

Does anyone else suffer from Anxiety? I have recently been having multiple episodes. That creep up from know where... or perhaps a thought or a song I hear or even a scent... I feel like my skin is crawling and in that moment I want to fix, create, destroy, and scream. I have tried to keep busy in those moments and keep my brain from
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@eyes52 I am on something... I hate that I have to rely on it...I feel it's affecting me in other ways... It would be much easier if I had a crystal ball! Part of my situation is time invested in something that is and now seems to be out of reach. In reality the odds are against me. I'm a fighter... but there are days I want to throw in the towel. 
Your not alone in feeling that way some days I feel like that too. Like you I'm also a fighter and won't quit good or bad that's our personality. I would hope that there's a med that wouldn't make you feel that way. I wish I had a great answer for you but I don't all I can say is your a fighter don't give up 😊

Sometimes in life you have to just grab the bull by the horns and go for it. Life has given me many leaps and hurdles. Recently I have been faced with yet another one. But I woke up this morning saying to myself. I am going to fight for what I believe is mine. Now I have pursued this and my anxiety is on high...
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So true