Another successful river float today. How else to spend a beautiful day in Sonoma County? Well, actually, lots of ways, but the river is my favorite. There's few better feelings than pounding a few cheep beers on a tube in 90 degree weather before you jump in the cold, invigorating water.
What I'm not looking forward to is going to work in the morning and...
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I had a first happen yesterday morning. I arrived to work a little late and when I went to my boss to apologize for my tardiness she sent me home for smelling like booze still. So I went to the 440 club and had a bloody mary.
Right now though is river time! taking a double dip this weekend, going to make it out there...
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Wow! Soooo, I'm really stoked that I finally have a friend here! I'm even MORE stoked that it's Ackley! Anyways, for the first time ever, I got sent home from work because I smelled like I was still drunk. Of course I was, but I am many times in the morning when I show up for work. I guess last night I had a couple...
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What a day! I went to my friend Julie's show last night in San Francisco and had a blast with her , Mary, Jameel, Mike and Heidi. Her band is called 8th Grader and they're fucking awsome! They're like if George Micheal, Madonna and Prince all went out one night, got roofied and had a baby. That baby would be 8th Grader.
So, we left...
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Awsome day today once I got out of work! Went to the city (San Francisco) to see my best friend Julie's band play a show, came back to town in time for last call and then some! Saw my boy Johnny "pants" at his work for a shot and a beer, then went to the home base, Gary's at the Belvedere for two more of...
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I hate Mondays. Not because they're Mondays. Only because there are four more days of hungover work than none.. Because I can't stop on Tuesday! I might be able to but, damn. Well no one is reading this anyways so, fuck it. If you really want to know the crazy details...message me!
Sol Horizon KILLED last night at their CD release party! Holy shit they rocked it! Now it's river time! Maybe a blog post from said river? Maybe.