In every pet owners life the comes a time for your pet/friend to move on from this life. Sometimes it is a natural death and sometimes a decission has to be made. Well I have a black lab named Harley that when I first got divorced went with me to live at my parents house and just went with the flow. Then I got back...
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Sorry frown
Thank you everyone today was a rough day. Harley walked all the way up the parking lot into the office but that was it, that was as far as she could go so i picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. Then i heald her head as she was given the medication and i could feel the life and all her pain fade away. I have been crying and tearing up eversince. Goodbye Harley , i love you, will miss you and you have been a wonderful friend...... Anyone who thinks this is too much for a dog, tell me to my face......frownfrownfrownfrown
In every pet owners life the comes a time for your pet/friend to move on from this life. Sometimes it is a natural death and sometimes a decission has to be made. Well I have a black lab named Harley that when I first got divorced went with me to live at my parents house and just went with the flow. Then I got back...
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Man i can't fucking win this week. My dog and cat got in a fight ( last time this happened the cat got a broken jaw and it cost me $2500 in vet bills ) This time i seperated them before they hurt eachother BUT the cat bit my finger and it got infected and fucking hurts. I have anti-biotics but still fucking hurts. However...
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Just before we started to move i fell off a second story balcony and my shoulder, wrist, and more then the others my ribs are KILLING me..... Ahhhhhhh
Fuck... anything broken?
The pain got to be too much today and i went to the ER, only 5 days later. Turns out i have 2 cracked ribs, a brused lung ( did not even know that could happen) and a small amount of fluid in my lung from the trama. I have to rest and do breathing exersises and just wait to heal.
Getting ready to move this week and fuck i hate moving. It's just my kids and i that have to move everything but we do have all week. It will be worth it though to have a House and get out of these annoing apartments. Maybe i'll have a house party once i get setteled in. Hmmm i have to think about that..
worst part about moving: realizing all the junk you've accumulated.
hope it goes smoothly! sometimes you can bribe people to help with promises of pizza or beer.
Going to Winnepeg for work till Friday. I am not sure what there is to do there but i am going to try and find out :-)
I want to write a new post but there is nothing much going on so, this is it.
Love is like a tattoo, just when you forget how much it hurts your ready to do it again.....
aint that the truth!!!!
ha! so truee!
looks great! is it on your arm or leg?
Upper arm......
I am going to Cleavland and Cincinnati next week for work but i will have some free time , anyone know of anything fun to doin either cities?
Stress how to deal with it? Well this past weekend i went to the shooting range and there is something calming about blasting holes in paper with lots of lead. I shot about $50 worth of ammo but still cheaper then therapy. Ahh the smell of gunpowder :-)
Ok been in the hospital for the last two days with gastro...something ( reallybad tummy ache ) I now have to take meds for it for a while or worst case take meds forever but it could be worse. I am home now and a little sluggesh but ok..
feel better soon!
I hope you feel better!!!