Why do I do the things that I do? I really wish I could answer that.

Oh well.
Tonight I'm really not in any mood to be putting alot of thought into that question....

I think that I need some positivity in my life. Like really.
And maybe a bit more in my posts.
And pictures.

Yeah, Thats the ticket, more pictures.

Watch this space.
Thats kind of what i've been feeling for a lot of this year. So i hope things improve for you in that respect.
And yeah,i know what you mean about blogs too, mine would be nothing without random pics and (hopefully cool biggrin) youtube music vids.

Have a good rest of the weekend!
I love how the happiness of everyone in my life is dependant on me.

Like really, you've gotta be kidding me. On a good day I can't get my own shit together, how in the world am I supposed to be responsible for all of theirs?

At my age, I really shouldn't be dealing with this kinda crap on a regular basis, should I?
Nope, you should tell them to get a fucking life! Easier said than done I know....good luck though! Stress is no good for anyone at any age Oh and I see from your tag line that you're not only a sabbath fan but a NIN fan as well???
Guilty as charged!
Don't want to get outta bed today.

Don't think I will..
Being sick isn't fun.
Do any of us ever really change?

I don't mean our hair or our clothes, Im talking about deep down, in the core of who we are.

Can we truly cast off our sins?
Dare we hope for the ghosts of the past to stay dead?

I'd like to think we can. If not, where can we possibly we go from here?
I think people can change. I know I have changed. I changed my whole outlook on life and I haven't looked back. It's amazing how a clear frame of mind can really put things into perspective.

I'm still not sure just how I feel about this particular holiday.

Lets ignore the vegetarian in me for a moment & not get into how the annual thanksgiving turkey genocide is sickeningly similar to what the arriving pilgrims did to the native people.

Nope. Not doin it.
My whole issue is about the giving "thanks" part of the holiday. How many of us...
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You should comment back in my blog so that I know you are talking to me. smile
I suppose that's true.
Well, I'm back.

Its been almost 9 full months since my membership ran out & feels good to be able to afford things like this again.

I don't even know what else to say right now, its good to be back.

There will be more to come later I'm sure...
Happy fucking new year.


I love all this nonsense about starting off the new year so much better than the last.
About how whatever way you celebrate it will somehow dictate how the comming year will unfold.

If thats true, well, I'm fucked.
Really fucked.

Not only did I end up working an 11 hour day starting at 7am, but I was sick as...
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i don;t think the way you spend new year dictates how the res of the year will be... never happens that way for me... life is full of suprises
Why is it that it seems to take nothing short of personal catastrophe in our lives to light that proverbial fire under our asses?

We race thru a darkness of our own making, just following the light at the end, never once stopping to look around and enjoy the simplest of things.
Then once-in-awhile something happens to make you look at whats going on and...
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So I did it.

I ignored everyone in my life who kept telling me it was stupid or a waste of time & I went.

The best part is that I don't even know if, in the end, it did any good at all really. Thats life I guess. Its better to be a failure but be happy, rather than be stuck doing some you...
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you did it and that's what matters
Thanks for the nice comment!! -xox-

You're really cute..I love your glasses.