Another in a long list of things I thought I'd given up but find myself revisiting... I had/have an art blog on tumblr that I've been curating for coming up on 10 years now. I've neglected it for a little while, but I think I need that kind of outlet again.

Check it out if you'd like.



Weird fucking day today. Right before Halloween my wife asked me for a divorce unexpectedly. A few weeks later she tells me she started dating again. Tells me I should start dating too. It'll make the whole thing easier. I'm not really into that, but I figured it would give me something to do other than sit at home not wanting a divorce. Joined a...
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This site has been part of my zeitgeist for 16 years. That's insane. I'm an old man now and probably don't have time for these kinds of shenanigans. But oh well. Here we are.

Hmm, yup. This was a mistake. One more on a list of things I didn't need to get back into.
I hand-made a quilt this week. How twisted is that? Started with a bunch of fabric, cut it all up, arranged it in spiffy geometric shapes, sewed it all back together.

Little bummed I'm not doing anything exciting for New Year's, but that's ok. I've only ever had one really spectacular new year's party. The rest have been give or take.

Visiting the parents is...
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It's your birthday! Still alive?
r u gonna come back?
As I walked along the supposed golden path I was confronted by a mysterious specter.

He pointed to the graveyard over on yonder hill.

I paused in cosmic reflection confused and wondering of how I came to die to die.

Hmmm I was confused. For if I was dead how and why did I die?

But I composed myself and decided I should face him....
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bad taste is the title of p.j.'s first... the one with aliens and such, appropriately named at that, it's really aweful. dead alive is one of my faves ( supposedly the goriest movie ever made) and meet the feebles is a close second; not to mention the fantastic job he's done with lotr
( which i still don't understand how he scored that gig considering the dreadful b movies he is known for). my old favorite is downers combined with clan mcgregor with a splash of the h2o and ice. i'm a staving artist though, so i only get the good stuff when i acquire a patron.
happy trails mr. grendel... whoever you are... wink
u wanted me to hurt you
I've got 6 raquetball-sized welts on my back. Woohoo!


That's why you never never never look at the back wall! Ever!

I think I'm becoming a softy in my old-age. I'm actually glad to be home with the fam.

Here's a question. Do you care what other people think of you? If so, why? If not, how do you not care?

Too much time...
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Hmmm, I'm imagining you with several Hallicrafters-sized welts on your back!

Sorry your Seattle plans croaked. How long will you be around?
Holy meat on a stick, Batman! First time I've been on this site in a long long long long damn time. I could spend my entire Christmas break just looking at all the sets I missed.

Alas! If only naked ladies weren't aainst government policy!

The bees are alive and well. I am alive and well.

Mulder, Mulder?

Lets see if I can keep this...
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update daily, asshole!
I need to recover the device! EL SUICIDO LOCO
I am lazurus, back from the grave. No I didn't die. I am being held captive by government ideology and a realy nasty web filter which or some reason thinks that naked hot naked really hot attractive pierced tattooed hot women are somehow anti-government and therefore not suitable for workplace veiweing.

Rest assured I will return to suicide land at some point. I just have...
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"He's dead, Jim." (In my best Bones McCoy voice)
he is not dead, he is asleep?~
Going to watch the Caps and the Sens play some down and dirty hockey tonight. Yay! Then going to go sit around and be all nervous in a room full of hot women on Saturday. yay! Looking forward to both with eager anticipation. So far DC has been pretty ok.

Got stung for the first time this season today. Watching it swell up as I...
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I miss you. frown