almost midnight now. the 14th.
almost tax day.

well, our remaining car is in the shop. they said it may be a total loss.
we're in a rental right now. i don't know how we'd manage to get another car.
i hope they can repair this one.

an old girlfriend called. i had sought to add her on facebook; she added me and found my...
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so, the 12th now.
it's been kind of cold the last few days.
i'm re-reading the fall now. i just finished re-reading it a few weeks ago, but had trouble thinking about what he was saying; camus.
i re-read the stranger a few months ago and understood it quite a lot better than when i read it twenty years ago or so. no need to...
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past 1 am now.
i was sick for 6 or 8 hours. i prayed later, that this not continue to happen.
i don't pray very often about things; but this is so disconcerting and crippling.
it feels like prayer is the right thing for this.
the last thing i prayed about regularly, was that the financial crisis not destroy the global economy.

it was cool...
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raining out now.
it seems good for it to rain now, in spring.
the plants will benefit and grow greener.

had a bit of a bad day today. this has started to happen too often. don't know what to do about it though.
my wife and i talked for a long time. we had a good conversation. we haven't talked a lot recently.
i'm often...
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so, around midnight now.
a warm night again. went out to the grocery store for soda.
lost in thought the last several hours.

didn't get much done today.
fixed one of our computers, an i-mac, fortunately.
took out my violin and tried to tune it, though i have no tuning fork.
played it a little bit, sounded okay.

lost all the music on the i-mac,...
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parts of a poem by Nichita Stanescu:

. . .
Only the grass knows the taste of the earth.
In truth, only my blood misses
my heart when it leaves.
. . .
There comes a time when horses die.
There comes a time when machines grow old.
There comes a time when cold rains fall,
and every woman wears your head-
and clothes.
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another day gone by.
i paid more attention to the trees and things by the side of the road today.
the light green buds and leaves are starting to become visible.
we go on drives sometimes.
i guess that's something i remember about spring.

i was reading about rothko. he also committed suicide, apparently.
it seems like artists and writers often do, i wonder why....
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so, had a decent day.
found another job board to look through.
we may have found another place to move to, if we stay around here.

many of the trees i noticed today along the road haven't blosssomed.
it was hot today, but there still hasn't been much rain i guess.
i'm wearing shorts today.
i don't often look around a lot. my mind wanders...
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posting everynight now it seems, on the calendar there.
the student loan system has been reorganized.
i guess that's a succesful endeavor for the left.
along with healthcare.

i'm waiting to hear from graduate schools.
cool again today.

guess that's all for now.
raining now, blowing cool air into my room.
for some reason it feels too hot in here.

was at the DMV today, for about an hour.
at the one here they use different letters to disperse the sense of sequence.
but i kept track of who was in front of me today. and so, it must be for psychological reasons that they use the different...
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