Damnedest thing. For the better part of two weeks, my computer just would not load SG, and a couple of other sites too. When I moved into my new dorm I got DSL (yay) and the problem went away (double yay!) so now I'm back. I wonder what I missed? confused
I just got back from a family reunion, which makes me realize exactly how little I have in common with my family. When it comes to who I care about in life, I focus a thousand times more on common interests than I do on shared DNA. According to the general population, that makes me a horrible person.
I just got my wisdom teeth taken out.

Good stuff
-it was quick
-not much pain
-being numbed feels kind of cool at first

Bad stuff
-the sound of my teeth cracking in half
-spitting out jawbreaker-sized mouthfulls of congealed blood
-being numbed gets really annoying after an hour or so

Random factoids
-For the Romans, a dentist was basically a strong guy with a...
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i woke up when i had my teeth yanked.
right in the middle of it..
i lied about what i weighed its my fault
(that was 12 years ago..i wouldnt be so vain now.)

but me teef were impacted so they needed to come out.
the end is especially frustrating in baldur's gate, because all your friends and your romance spend the last chapters talking about all the things you're going to do when you're done saving the world, and then you don't get to DO any of them. They even talk about things that could have become quests in the little wrap ups, like saying later on you saved ___ and ____ blank from some vampires.

Damn it, I wanna see that house in the country my party supposedly bought!
School's finally over and I'm back home for the summer.

Good Lord I'm in hick hell. Now I remember why I left.

oink bok oink bok oink bok
yes ill be home in 5 days....dont remind me
School's almost over for the year. Finally.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes T-Shirts That Suck.

I'm a big fan of the "fat kids are harder to kidnap" shirt.

And that profile pic is awesome.
His fury that the world was not run so well as he could run it encouraged him to speak.
-Norman Mailer

What one thing would you change about the world?
well i have a bunch of cool ideas but since im uber sleepy this is the only one i can think of and since you only asked for one (and you werent even asking me but ill tell ya anyways hahahahahahahaha!) is i think it'd be uber nice if the world got bigger so there'd be more places for me to explore! yay!

[Edited on Apr 11, 2003]
life would be a party.
God built the church
the Devil built the chapel
and the thistles that are growing
'round the trunk of the tree

all the good in the world
you could put inside a thimble
and still have room for you and me

misery's the river of the world
everybody row

Watching the news makes me hope the Apocalypse is coming soon. skull
Riddle me this:

What we caught we threw away, what we could not catch we kept.

It was first posed to Homer by fishermen back in ancient times, and frustration at not being able to solve it supposedly drove him to his death.

Well I read it (without the answer) in an email list a few years ago and I think I'm going to suffer...
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The answer is pediculus (a.k.a. lice).
Cool, thanks.
Finally got a (cheap) digital camera. You get what you pay for it looks like.
that is so not true...in 2000 i paid wayyyyy to much for an epson photopc750z. you can get some really good ones in the $300-400 range, now. too bad you couldnt, then.
it's artistic bra