Placed on this Earth, without our control, to be inadvertently controlled, to be placed among the "fleshy souls", we as Humans should be given a choice to do what we wish. To do what we wish, should be without pain, without control, after all, it is our life. Life is for living , live it well. A gift of life should be unconditional, to do...
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Live life, It is for living to the fullest. We were all brought forth here for a reason. To explore, to laugh, to love . and to be what we all, think. say , and feel with our heart of hearts. There is a lot of world out there other that what we are accustomed to. Life is a gift, receive it and live it...
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I wonder sometimes, If my purpose is to entertain or to be entertained. Lately, it's been a world of pure entertainment, I am okay with this for the most part, however, the inner child is screaming, writhing, and unsettled. Adventure and laughter, we all want it, we all seek it. I am a spectacle of pure energy, when I play, everything just goes away. The...
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