If you love house or are tired of people talking shit this is for you:

Aight, sooooo im kinda pissed the pictures i posted in my last blog didnt load (will rectify later)....i now officially hate trying to do updates on my phone. Which reminds me, I heard we have an SG app, is this true? If we do for the love of all that is beautiful tell me so i can download it! I could not find it yesterday....
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I haven't seen the movie about him but someone did mention it to me the other day and I definitely plan to look into it. He really is a genius. He pretty much proved that anyone can make a difference, no matter how small, all they have to do is apply themselves. Crazy.
sextrash I highly recommend it if you can find it and i agree he is an amazing person. I need to find some posters of his artwork to get framed in my room.smile
Another beautiful day and I'm stuck inside with nothing to do!!!! Atleast I'm going downtown tonight. If anyone is in the Lexington, KY area head that way tonite its gonna be a great time.

I finally got my pictures up and will hopefully be uploading more in the near distant future. Cant wait for the weekend to begin tonite, it's shaping up to be another...
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Well, I finally got everything straightened out for my classes this summer should be interesting to see how intense this master's program really is. Here's to a successful first semester!!!!
I always wanted to join Suicide Girls because all the women on here are just beautiful. Tattoos on women shows their creativity and in my opinion tells me about their personality. I am a extremely outgoing person and would love to meet and talk to new people. Feel free to find me on Facebook. If would like to know more, say hello!