tatt idea. need input for wording and placement.

something like....

organ donor
the rest to science
the rest to cremation

.... that idea.... strictly for functional purpose... but where? inside my crack? inner thigh? bottom of foot?

just saw this too. interesting ideas for functional tatts. http://www.bearskinrug.co.uk/_articles/2005/08/09/tattoos/
you could get it on your head, but what if you get decapitated?
you could put it over your heart...but then they wont be able to reference it when the open you up to take out your organs.
do you have a giant bottom lip? you could put it inside there.

or..um....in between your toes, only because getting tattooed there might be the worst pain ever.

oh! above your penis...that way lots of people will see it (assuming you are a lucky boy) and be able to let the powers that be know what to do with you when you die, in case they dont read your junk.
back to school.

northeastern for comp sci in the spring.

wish the luck.
i have a 14 hour layover in LAX the night of Jan 26th. someone should take me on a date.

.... any ideas of what i can do during this time? i think my LA friends have moved away.
Oddly cute.
Are they comfortable?
guerrilla art

i like the part about "free speech" not being an expensive ad paid by a corporation. .... it's for *people*.
visited toast last night.... in inman (uh...union, i mean).

teh suck.
what is that?
that's too bad. I had heard good things about Toast