This time round I did not watch a movie. Rather myself. Another post explored the concept of the world that has been at least from time to time a cold, hard and empty place. Technology as a culture came up more than once. And yes that is exactly where we live today. A large part of our interaction with other human beings is via technology....
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yeah, the old bait and switch.  That is always very annoying
I also understand my online cheated me and took away money u_u

I sometimes and sometimes more often than just sometimes get a little frustrated with life. No manual. Correct. Nothing. Nobody to ask. It is as though you have to prod, guess around the corner, infer, employ intuition, your friend's insight and perspective and of course on occasion the exact angle with which your dog looks at you. All in an effort to find what bugs...
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On one of the other posts was a link to an Amazon.com birthday wish list. The particular item is a Calvin Klein Woman's Modern Cotton Bikiny Panty and Amazon is offering 5 new and used .. used? Really? LOL! OMG sometimes I have no idea what's happened to our sanity.


Elsewhere I commented on a blog post by @cherryfae. Earlier this week I went to see Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance. Much enjoyed the production. I had to reflect a little. The girls all had beautiful bodies - after all they dance! But then they were so similar that they could have been sisters some of them. And here comes the gripe. So beautiful...
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Agreed! I love how each girl is different here; some of them may seem similar, but after you look at them and read their blogs, it's apparent that each of them is truly unique.

As humans we have somehow gotten lost from the basic roots of nature - which we are part of. Nature flaunts all of its beauty. As humanity we have become very conditioned on what is admissable and what is frowned on. It is oh so easy to be labelled as narcissistic. And yet it is so important to appreciate the beauty in ourselves. To appreciate...
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Honestly, I do to.  And it isn't just the beautiful women, it's the interactions with everyone that makes it so special
The beautiful woman are a bonus xD!

I cannot call it anything else. Perhaps I should have written it in all capitals and underlined it. The Journey. What we are doing here. Called the ultimate enigma. I am back again after some absence. An absence spent in the underworld of myself. A vague, dim place with lots of features. Some pleasureable and some painful; some clear and recognisable; some less so and...
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@sheashannara that is a wonderful quote - I'm sure to remember it!  The second is true as well unless of course you count death as THE destination but that would be pretty sad and senseless.
Very true.  I think so many people get caught up in "going somewhere" that they forget that just going can be wonderful experience all by itself

By the time it gets to my favourite artists I have to salute Frederico Fellini. He was one of the most famous Italian art film directors second half of the twentieth century. In an interview he once said: "I am trying to free my work from certain constrictions – a story with a beginning, a development, an ending. It should be more like a poem...
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every one of them is a marvellous director although lars von tries is not for everyone's tastes. as for andrei tarkovsky's, i adored his film "nostalgia" <3
I suppose real art - being such a personal expression - is not for everybody's tastes.  Commercial productions often follow a recipe.  I most certainly would not claim Lars von Trier to be for everybody's tastes.  His stuff can be really raw.  I agree Nostalgia is a wonderful film.

The past 24 hours has been a roller coaster time for me emotionally - concerning a very good friend. Last night she made a nearly innocuous remark regarding my perception of how I fit in or not. That one remark somehow pushed my world into total turmoil. The post mortem has taken a long time to understand how some emotions have triggered others and how...
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Agreed.  I eventually had a long chat to my friend this evening.  The remark she made touched something very deep inside myself leading me to interpret what she had said differently to how it was intended.  We always have different perspectives and a lot to learn by sharing those perspectives.  Had she said what I thought she had said that would have fallen into the 'judgemental' category.  As it turns out she meant or intended it differently.
On the topic of authentic communication another thought occurred to me tonight.  Unless what we have to say is based on pure logic deliberation we normally say something based on how we feel.  Language does not adequately convey feelings - in fact it is often rather unable to allow to express ourselves.  The person listening to it often does understand what we mean - there are subtler aspects of communication including body language.  Should we ourselves later recall what we said we may interpret it differently leading to an incongruence.  Communication is complex to say the least.  I have also learnt never to deal with sensitive issues over a phone as the possibility of an undetected misunderstanding is just so much more substantive.

Sometimes I think we take the loyalty of our pets a little for granted yet if you stand back and think of it they are absolutely awesome! You can bestow any amount of love and attention on them and they simply soak it up. It makes them glow .. Humans on the other hand corrupt sooner or later. Perhaps the only reason why we have...
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I agree ..... Mine seem to know when I'm gonna have a bad day before I do. 
the kind of love we will never forget :)

I really, really like hot toast with melted butter. Please, please don't forget me!

he is aware of what tastes reaally well ;)
These eyes)))