My life goes cycles. I used to find them reassuring but now they seem like traps
I know what you mean. Aimee Mann's "Momentum" is sometimes my theme song:

"I know life is getting short
but I can't bring myself to set the scene
even when it's approaching torture
I've got my routine...
And so for the sake of momentum
I'm condeming the future to death
so it can match the past"
Sometimes they can be good, the ups and downs and all of that.

Look after yourself, I go gray-(inactive) in a couple of days.

So ciao for now, sweetie.. smile smile
Finally going to be getting some piercings done soon. I used to get them for free, on account of being friends with the piercer but things change. I feel like everyone around me moves forward and makes progress and I am left behind. I wouldn't care so much except that I'm not doing my own thing... I'm just waiting for things to get better and...
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Not wonderful, but has it been terrible?
I feel like that all the time. I think the way I feel better about it is to remember where I was a year ago, and see that I have changed. Even if it's just emotionally, it counts, and it means I've moved forward somehow.

Do you have my phone number? I haven't forgotten about you, and you should call me sometime!

Guess what? The person I'm staying with for the summer got a kitten. So I have a kitten now too, by proxy! She's on my lap right now.
I like it so much more when people give me things for free.
You are sooo mysterious.

Care to elaborate.?

I'm feeling very frustrated and confused.

Everywhere I look it seems that all people want is copies of themselves. In relationships, people say that they want someone with similar interests but often times they actually want someone who is JUST LIKE THEM.

I am not trying to pretend that I don't want to surround myself with people who are like me but I have respect...
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I'm just looking for someone to accept me for who I am and what I do.

Although I feel more comfortable around people with similar/same interests, it is not a requisite.

How is you time off from school going? Having fun?
That is some dream
-That would be kewl.
- That might hurt, was it any good?

The chin and T's are doing well, my baby (fireleg) molted the other day, she looks so beautiful, but her carapace is starting to get darker. I need to find her a mate.

Kids are well, my ex started letting me see them again, so they come over every sunday now.

I hope my friend Sally calls me soon to let me know when we can put make up on the dead people. I need to be around corpses to make sure my nerves can handle mortuary school. If not, I guess I could be one of those people who takes ticket studs and hands pamphlets out here: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/
Mortuary school? That is kind of cool.

Good luck.
It's a good job i hear, you can do a sixth sense and say to people, " I see dead people
' which is a cool Movie. smile
As I was taking a bath I heard my Meeka making a sad meow frown So I opened the door and she laid down next to it. Baby girl just wanted to be next to me! It's nice being a mom. Getting a pig is next but that will have to wait a while. I need a job asap. Prospects are bleak.
1) kiss
2) your...
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Cats and dogs are so nice in their love, if you treat them right they love you. No games, bs or any of that nonsense. It is so nice.

Glad you and the kitty are doing well. Good luck with the job situation, I am sure you will find something that works for you.

Have a nice weekend.
Heheh, kiss and miao!! in such close proximity makes me giggle!

I think love always continues in one form another, but it also changes pretty easily sometimes.

And we're not so far apart! We should certainly get together sometime in the not-too-distant future!

[Edited on Jun 03, 2005 8:35PM]
Had dinner with a few friends recently. It felt nice to be in a group and feel a part of it. I've also been reading a lot.
One of my close friends is in love with me and now we can't hang out because of it. Actually I think this is the best course of action.
Meeka meows for attention in the morning. Every sound...
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I'm not much of a cat lover, but that's cute. How have you been?
are you still in the towson area for the summer/

i miss having kitties around. there are cats where i'm staying but they aren't very nice.
I'm watching a show called Crypts, Coffins and Caskets. In a few weeks I will be helping a friend put make up on corpses. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons.

In other news, Meeka (the kitty) is doing very well. Taking her to the vet tomorrow and going to ask for tips on how to get her to lose some weight. Baby girl is...
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I want a kitty!

I finally have an internet connection!
Hooray hot hot sex! love
New addition to my little family = miao!! She knows I'm her mommy, I think. She wakes me up in the morning for attention and she misses me when I leave the room.
Mutter museum soon, galleries, parks, books to be read and jobs to be done. Still, I feel horrible and am hoping that the dark cloud that has hung over me for the past...
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I'm reading Neverwhere agaain for the third or fourth time> I tend to wonder what it be like going to a wandering market, with all the different smells and people selling stuff.
sends you hugs *hugs*
*giggles* kitty <3

ah i want museums parts books etc too ! hehe.