It's been a crazy week-


Ed McMahon.
Farrah Fawcett.
Michael Jackson.
Clove Cigarettes.

and now:

Billy Mays.

I think the government is involved.
First the UFO and Bigfoot cover-ups...now celebrity assassination! where will they stop?!
I think it's sad that people are all freaked out about the death of 3 celebrities.

Sure, the loss of any life is sad, but just because they were in the public eye does not make their passing sadder than the passing of so many others every day. Those that go unnoticed, ignored. People that have made an impact on the world....

I just don't...
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The news is always entrenched in stories about all random deaths down to those whose identities are never known. They always make the news.

McMahon was old, Farrah had cancer for years but one of the most famous men in the world dropping dead suddenly at a young age is news, like it or not.
I'm not arguing that it's news or not (obviously it is- that's all I've heard all day). All I'm saying is that people who've had a positive influence and actually made a difference in the world never receive the press coverage that this is receiving- people are mourning a name.
Never thought I'd see the day, but I have a twitter.

Holla at me if you have one, too.
Hello, I'm back!

I let my membership go... working on the house, moving, transferring utilities- no money, no internet except for school and the library, and neither are fond of sites like this.

Either way, I'm here- yay!

We're all moved in! House is awesome. We did a LOT of work on it. It's super cute now, though. Looks like a completely different house. I...
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Welcome back!
I should really, really be doing homework. I keep saying that, but I can't bring myself to do it. Instead, I'm gonna go get food with the hubby, and go play poker at 10 at the shittiest bar in St. Pete... okay, maybe not THE shittiest, but pretty damn close.

On an upnote, this fucking semester is OVER on the 5th for me! Whoo hoo!!!!!...
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shitty bar is better than none ..... I learnt that the hard way .....
I bought a house! Welll, me and the boy did! Closing on the 1st, move in that weeeeek!!!! Yayayay!
Awesome. =D It's the best time to purchase a house. We should be buying one next year but not in Florida.
Wow. That's an awesome deal! =D Hell yeaaah. Haha. We are moving to Portland, OR area at the end of the year. & hoping to be able to find something there. Getting an apt first & jobs, then looking around for a house. =]
So, I'm an avid fisherwhatever...

And we were on the boat today and saw all this shiny stuff, so when we pulled up closer to it- it was THOUSANDS of red drum, all like 40 lb at least (but some almost as long as I am!). It was so crazy... we pulled the boat right into the school and they didn't even move. They...
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I got a new camera! Super super SUPER excited!

And I'm getting a new tattoo for my birthday. What of? It's a surprise!

yey what kind of camera??
happy late bday
Hey pretty lady. <3 I can't wait to see your new tattoo. =]
So, yesterday I turned 23.

I'm dealing with it better than I did last year... I had a breakdown in the middle of a bar, but maybe it was just the whiskey talking.

In other news, my apartment building is in foreclosure. Awesome. I got served papers yesterday by some man in a silver truck.

I also had 2 tests.

Happy birthday to me!
I hate my car. And it hates me back. I think the fuel pump finally went on it. Which isn't too bad of a fix, just frustrating as hell. But it did get me home today, somehow. I have no idea. It died on my street. Wow.

So I guess I'll be taking the bus or riding my bike from here on out, which isn't...
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