nothing new. show tonight 1420 summer st. salem oregon. 6 pm.

chuck norris (canada)
Shot on sight (salem)
Sethera ( salem).. ex members of grace and thieves, johnny x. skull skull skull skull skull
turbonegro rocked but a certain person ruined everything on top of a two year friendship. I was made aware that i am a "prize piece" in a dating collection.. words of a tramp... and something you don't really want to be made aware of.. i guess she took the idea of" mounting a trophy" the wrong way. oooh... i wish i knew how to do...
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ouch. snack pack suicide...tragic. the universe has a way of working things out. chin up kitten.
Turbonegro + Poison Idea! on monday (alladin,pdx). i have waited for years for something so right.
strange dream number 3.

god and i are kickin it at a backyard show/bbq he keeps getting his conversation cut of by incoming prayers... so he busts out a bugzapper and hangs it up. there is a little glowing jesus the in cage... little prayers take the shape of the people (kind of like prayer faeries) the jesus bug zapper says " come into the...
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Believing in June isn't a Christian band...why do you ask?

otter pops for the world's sexiest fat kid. anyway. i actually hung out with this said girl today. it was cool. her and rion and i hung out between classes. She is so gorgeous. i think i was drooling the whole time. i won't be able to do drinking club this wednesday. i have too much homework. and i won't be able to wake up on thursday...if i went. maybe this weekend? you should take me to sassy's.
run ronnie run was worth the wait.
"traffic traffic makin me car sick, lookin fo my chapstick.. is dat a ford maverick" - that frestyle scene in a movie made me have a pee dribble.

nothin to really write about. thangs are kind of shitty (with nuts and corn) right now.
www.mp3.com/shot_on_sight go there if you haven't
this weekend was all bout shows shows shows... saturday night i stopped by a house show.. it was the typical local spiky scene ( lebendon toten,bomb heaven, hellshock,some crappy cali punk band) Hellshock was by far the best... after that we caught NIGEL PEPPERCOCK... at the twilight.. i have been waitng to see em fer a while now... Boy was it worth it!!! NIGEL PEPPERCOCK...
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Wednesday is my last day at work!! that's tomorrow. you get thursdays off...so are we kickin' it? i can finally have a wild wednesday. are you down?
sounds like a good time. is there drinking club tomorrow night? or is it still bowling club? night train? eeerrr...the sound of that still makes me queasy. sure. why the hell not. i get off work at six. maybe i'll go to pete's for a bit. do you have any idea where we'll be headed tomorrow night?
once apon a time in mexico....... has to be the most terrible movie EVER made... step aside gigli... this movie made me ashamed to play guitar..hell ...afterward i had to put all my guitars in the closet.. the movie was like a fucking softcore movie minus the nudity... terrible.. i was wishing for horatio sans to jump out of the background and say..noooooooooooooooooo tooo sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyy...
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yi, yi, shiaaat!
thanks for saving me.
but i've heard differing things.
not going to see it either way.

have you seen amercan splendor?
my creativity level is at it's peak. No time to waste it on words. ave a good day or evening or whatever... i am off to watch the wade robson project and learn some smoovveeee moves... i am going to start a roller dance gang. skull
underneath a killing moon. skull skull
spooky spooky.
this weekend was great... Ice cubes revealed feelings for a friend... ice cubes... sometimes it is the smallest thing... strange events... straaaannnngggee.

albums of the week ...
Old skull-cia drug party
Necro tones- are we dead yet?
Dicks- kill from the heart
guyana punchline- direkt aktion
anything by Asschapel.
ice cubes? were they shoved down your pants?