i was given an order which was: you can not rant while we are on vacation

well i am posting a jounral entry to avoid verbal ranting about our almost former landlords. who managed to keep all their belongings a mess unltil they started showing our apartment. They had put things infront of of all out windows so we couldnt see out. they had left...
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the vacation whore is at it again.

Cancun was canceled. its closed down. so we are now going back to vieques!!

actually we are staying at the resort that the picture to left is located next to smile

life is good!!

we will be going Sat-wed


edit: not going anywhere
You are such a vacation whore! wink
we found a new apartment!!!!!! its GIGANTIC!!! its 2 blocks from where we live now hahah right by the pizza place!!

its a 2 bedroom with a big living room and kicthen

i am so happy!

good to see you wink
It was so great seeing you. Thank you so much for the wonderful present and your wonderful company! kiss
If you just showed someone that picture with no explanation and said guess what happened next, I'm sure someone would guess a cell phone was lost at some point.

my phone has been found!!!!!!

the wonderful cab driver called J's phone last night while we were otherwise engaged and i can pick it up by meeting him at hudson and chitsopher at 5. which means i better get moving since i will have to leave work at 4.


I <3 cab drivers
Hurrah! Hope you got it back alright!
That's like the nicest random act of kindness I've heard of in some weeks -- seriously. smile
i finially finished purchasing my new red dress from syrn last night. i brought it home along with new black short gloves and a wonderful fantsay running through my mind.

the smell of the latex from my arm has faded, but during the middle of the night it was still there, and it was intoxicating. poor justin was attacked and mauled by his extremely starved...
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I doubt he minded! See you Sunday! kiss
My ass looks like someone drove a car over it - you and that damn ruler! I can't WAIT for the pictures!!! kiss kiss kiss
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<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=white>
<tr><td><a href="http://www.colorquiz.com"><img border=0 alt=ColorQuiz.com src="http://www.colorquiz.com/images/colorquizlogosmall2.gif" width=120 height=32></a></td>
<td>I took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!<p><i>"Needs to feel identified with someone or something..."</i><p>
<a href="http://www.colorquiz.com/cgi-bin/results.cgi?do=print_blog&picked1=5,2,1,7,0,3,4,6,7&picked2=5,1,2,7,0,3,4,6,6&sex=f&blog_name=I">Click here</a> to read the rest of the results.</td></tr></table>
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you briefly wonder about people - you take a 3rd person perspective glance into their lives and cease to wonder. the longing for a quick memory is gone before it actually even started. their growth, lack there of, or yours is too far apart to even attempt to rekindle any life into a fire that may have once existed. do tunes ever really change, or...
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See you tomorrow kiss kiss kiss kiss
hey guess what!??

i thought i kicked it but by 11 am yesterday i was getting rid of green chunks and i was so congested i wanted to rip ou tmy ear canals by hand.

Proof: I stayed awake during ALL of master and commander. that movie usually knocks me out, but no my head hurt so bad ven that couldnt...
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the only issue that i have ever gotten angry about was gay righ to marrige.

BUT THIS IS OUTRAGE!http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050923-5346.html

We should get the ball rolling. I dont care what i have to do but i want to view pussy and cock the way I want to see it. I dont like the idea of someone telling me bondage photos are illeagl....
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For a VERY brief moment I had a little bit of faith in this country when the Supreme Court found that forcing people to say "One Nation Under God" was unconsitutional. That has all ended.

Tonight I'm watching nothing but fetish and S&M dvds out of principle.
I know. I don't even LIKE porn and I think this is too far! It's like, of all the industries you're going to target, bondage porn? Hello, have they heard of child pornography? Or those child sex tours through Thailand? Oy!